THE YPRES LEAGUE. Form of Application for Membership. (Actual size, 11 in. X 9jm.) (Actual size, 11 in. X 9|in.) Specimen oï Scroll Certificate issued to Members who Specimen of Certificate issued to Members who are have served in the Salient. Relatives of the Killed. Membership in the League is open to all who served in the Salient and to all whose relatives or friends died there, in order that they may have a record of that service for themselves and their descendants, and belong to the comradeship of men who understand and remember all that Ypres meant in suffering and endurance. To the Secretary, Ypres League. 36, paton Place, London, S.W.i. I HEREBY REQUEST that I may he enrolled as a Member of the Ypres League. (a) I having served in the Ypres sector in the. {name of unit) in the year (b) My father husband son brother having died on the{date) in the defence of Ypres while servingin the I enclose s. d., being j* 5/- Subscription £2 ios. Life Subscription and balance donation for furtherance of the objects of the League {Signature and Address) rank name) or other I*relative or j comrade rank name) {name of unit Date Cross out wording not applicable.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1924 | | pagina 35