LEAGUE SECRETARY'S NOTES. 76 The Ypres Times. TO OUR NEW MEMBERS. We welcome very warmly all who have become members of the League during the past three months. You have joined at a time when your help and support are of double value. The general strike and continued trouble in the coalfields have reacted detrimentally on all sections of society. The League, in common with other organisations, is badly hit, and each one of us must throw himself into the breach if we are to weather the storm. We appeal, therefore, to you to act as propagandists of our aims and objects by distributing literature and application forms (which will be supplied by headquarters) over as wide an area as possible, and to use every opportunity to enrol fresh mem bers. In your work of recruiting, we would ask you to draw special attention to the principal function of the League, namely, that of com memoration. Formed to perpetuate the spirit of Ypres as a living force in the Empire, it keeps alive also the memory of the great sacrifices of the men who served in the Salient and of those who died that England's glory might suffer no eclipse. We are confident that your help will not be denied us in the crisis of to-day. TO BRANCH SECRETARIES AND CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. During the past quarter the League has had its fair share of burdens to carry. The general strike caused the cancellation of our Whitsuntide Pilgrimage, which promised to equal if not exceed in numbers the Easter Pilgrimage, a short account of which will be found in these Notes. The con tinued dispute in the coalfields seriously hampers us in our preparations for the August Bank Holiday Pilgrimage, which in its turn may have to be abandoned if the railway company decides against the issue of party rate tickets. Indepen dent tours have also suffered considerably owing to restricted services which discourage the under taking of long journeys. As a result of the economic situation in the country money is not circulating freely, and subscriptions and donations that in normal times would be forthcoming are withheld. In another place we print a special appeal for funds to meet the cost of the production of The Ypres Times, one of the heaviest items in our budget. We are confident of a generous response from our readers to ease the financial stress of the moment. When we next go to press we hope to have emerged from our troubles and to be able to proclaim All's well with the League." The third edition of The Immortal Salient is almost sold out, and as the demand for this work continues a fourth edition has been put in hand. Our travel area now comprehends the Somme district, we are fortunate in having obtained the consent of Captain Stuart Oswald, M.C. (Hotel Carlton, 42, Rue de Noyon, Amiens), an old member of the League, to act as our representative. Quite a number of lapsed members have re newed their interest in the League, and we are hopeful of recovering more in the near future. And here let me express our appreciation of the good recruiting work which stands to your credit. Of the new members who have lately joined many have been sent by Branch Secretaries and Corre sponding Members, for whose achievement in this important field of operations we are sincerely grateful. In conclusion, may I ask you to redouble your efforts in order to minimise as much as possible the losses we have sustained through the strikes WREATHS ON WAR GRAVES IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM. Arrangements are made by the Ypres League to place wreaths for relatives on the graves of British soldiers situated in France and Belgium at the following times of the year EASTER, ARMISTICE DAY, CHRISTMAS. The wreaths may be composed of natural flowers, laurel, or holly, and can be bought at the following prices 12s. 6d., 15s. 6d., and 20s., according to the size and quality of the wreath. The above prices to include placing on the grave and one unmounted photograph and negative, post card size, which will be sent to the relative, showing the wreath in position. For wreaths placed at the request of relatives on special dates, other than Easter, Armistice Day, and Christmas, an extra charge will be necessary, according to the location of the grave. Applications for wreaths should be sent to the Secretary, together with remittance, giving the regimental particulars of the soldier, name of cemetery, and number of plot, row and grave. PHOTOGRAPHS OF WAR GRAVES. The Ypres League lias made arrangements whereby it is able to supply photographs (nega tive, and one print, post-card size, unmounted) of graves situated in the Ypres Salient, and in the Hazebrouck and Armentières areas at the price of 10s. each. Prices for photographs taken in the Somme area may be obtained on application. All applications for photographs should be sent to the Secretary, together with remittance, giving the regimental particulars of the soldier, name of cemetery, and number of plot, row and grave. EMBROIDERED BADGES. We are pleased to announce that these badges can now be supplied at 4s. each, post free. A considerable number have already been sold, and we are delighted to hear that the badges have given entire satisfaction to our members who have received them. Applications to the Secretary.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1926 | | pagina 22