2nd Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's). THE BATTLE OF POLYGON WOOD, 25th SEPTEMB ER, 1917. Telephone: Langham, 1446. Oammanlcatimt to the Editor," Ypres Time»." 29, Baker St., London, W.I. Tekcnmt: Ypresleag, Baker," L.ndon. IMES PRICE 6d. POSTAGE 7d. THE JOURNAL OF THE YPRES LEAGUE. Voi,. 3. No. 3. Published Quarterly. july, 1926 10.19 P m- "On the right of our main attack north of the Ypres-Menin Road, our troops met with obstinate resistance, and heavy fighting took place in the area across which the enemy counter-attacked yesterday. After a severe struggle, lasting throughout the greater part of the day, English and Scottish Battalions drove the enemy from his position and accomplished the task allotted to them of securing the flank of our principal attack. "In their advance, our troops relieved two companies of Argyll and Suther land Highlanders, who had held out with great gallantry during the night in a forward position in which they had heen isolated by the enemy's attack yesterday morning." G.H.Q., Official Telegraphic Communiqué, 26th September, 1917. The above is the brief official notice of an action in which the 2nd Battalion (93rd) The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders played a prominent part. Bald and concise as it is, it contains concealed in its paragraphs a story of tenacity and determination worthy of the Regiment. It will be remembered that in July, 1917, a great offensive was started against the enemy in the Ypres Salient. Owing to the appalling weather, the advance was not so rapid as had been hoped, and, among other places, prolonged and intense fighting ensued in the neighbourhood of Glencorse Wood and Inverness Copse. However, on the 20th September the Battle of the Menin Road was fought success fully and, in the area with which we are concerned, the 23rd Division pushed our line well forward of these two places to the southern outskirts of Polygon Wood. Preparations were at once made for a further big attack by the 2nd Army to take place on 26th September, and the 23rd Division was relieved by the 33rd Division on the evening of 24th September. On the left, the 98th Infantry Brigade relieved the 69th Infantry Brigadethe 1st Middlesex Regiment took over the front line in the neighbourhood of Carlisle Farm, the 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders were concentrated in shell holes 1,000 yards in rear of them and the 4th Suffolk Regiment we're in brigade reserve near Clapham Junction. The fourth Battalion in the Brigade (4th King's Liverpool Regiment) was attached to the 100th Infantry Brigade and had hard fighting south of the Reutelbeek.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1926 | | pagina 3