August Bank Holiday Pilgrimage, THE YPRES TIMES 119 THIS can perhaps claim to be the most popular trip to Ypres during the year. A large gathering, of which 23 members of the Atherstone Branch of the British Legion formed part, left Victoria Station by the early service on August 2nd, conducted by the Secretary. This fixture invariably rejoices in real summer weather, but this year a broken period set in and continued throughout the week-end, so the Ypres Salient lived well up to its famous war reputation. The torrential storm which accompanied our train journey from Ostend to Ypres compelled those of the party who were fortunate enough to possess umbrellas to open them in the compartments, as the rain poured through the roofs of the third-class carriagesHowever, we arrived at Ypres in good spirits, and divided ourselves between the Hotels de la Gare, Skindies, and Splendid and Britannique. Sunday morning was spent visiting graves, and attending the services at the Ypres British Church. In the afternoon half-day trips to the Salient were conducted by Messrs. W. and C. J. Parminter, and very much enjoyed. On Sunday night our party joined in the cere mony of the Last Post at the Menin Gate, at which 200 Legionaires from the Home Counties Area were present. A whole-day tour of the battle-front between Ypres and Arras was arranged for Monday. The places en route were Messines, Neuve Eglise, Armentières, Fleurbaix, Neuve Chapelle, La Bassée, Lens, Vimy, visiting the Canadian dug-outs. The return journey was made via Souchez, Estaires, Bethune, and Kemmel. On the same day some of our pilgrims made a special visit to Loos, for the purpose of attending the unveiling of the memorial to the missing at Dud Corner. The main party returned to London on Tuesday, August 5th, while several remained at Ostend for a few days. A general expression of thanks is due to our representatives, Messrs. W. and C. J. Parminter, for the help they gave us during the week-end, and to the hotel proprietors, who, considering the heavy call on their accommodation, left nothing undone for our comfort. We herewith reproduce a photograph of the Atherstone party, who accom panied the pilgrimage for the first time. The Hon. Secretary of the Branch has kindly written to say how much they enjoyed themselves, and conveying best thanks for the arrangements made, and that the members are all looking forward to another visit next year. Needless to say, we shall be exceedingly glad to see them, and also their friends. [PhotoL. Duhameeuw, Ypres. THE ATHERSTONE BRANCH BRITISH LEGION PARTY.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1930 | | pagina 25