'ue 120 THE YPRES TIMES TO OUR NEW MEMBERS. The Ypres Times gives us an opportunity to welcome all our new members who have joined during the past quarter, and thank them in advance for the support they are kind enough to give us in the future. We feel sure that you will be only too anxious to comply with the wish of our President, Field- Marshal Viscount Plumer, whose message appears on the first page of The Ypres Times. Do not allow any chance to pass without endeavouring to promote our aims and objects. The Ypres League stands in memory of all those who gave their lives in the immortal defence of the Ypres Salient, and we want all survivors of that famous battlefield, or those who lost relatives there, to join as members and so keep the memory of the great deeds and sacrifices alive. It is for the younger generation to learn what their fathers and brothers had to endure during the Great War, and the beautiful scroll certificate designed by Sir Bernard Partridge, given as a record of service, can be handed down in proud memory to the juniors. Our pilgrimages to the Ypres Salient have been well patronized this year, and in the next edition of the journal you will find the 1931 programme. We hope that we may have the pleasure to see you on one of our future trips to the Salient, and that you will bring some of your friends. These pilgrimages always result in very happy reunions and help so much to keep up the old war-time comrade ship. May we remind you again of the value of recruiting new membersthe life of the League depends on its membership, and we shall be exceedingly pleased to welcome any one whom you are kind enough to introduce. Membership forms can always be obtained on application to the Secretary. TO BRANCH SECRETARIES AND CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. We are very pleased to welcome Mr. H. Dart, who has kindly taken over the duties of Corresponding Member for the Congleton Area in place of Mr. W. H. Duncan Arthur, now residing at Tiverton. Mr. Duncan Arthur, who has most generously offered to act in the same capacity for Tiverton, has for years been one of our most active workers, and we can never be sufficiently grateful to him for the great things he has done for the League, especially in recruiting, and we wish him every success in his new appointment at Tiverton. Our grateful thanks are also due to all those of other districts who have given their valuable time to the welfare of the League during the year. Special thanks are extended to Capt. J. Wilkinson for making our pilgrimages known in the Sheffield district through the medium of the local Press. May we suggest that our other Branch Secre taries and Corresponding Members approach their local Press in order to secure similar publicity to our pilgrimages. Capt. R. Henderson-Bland is very much on the active list, and his present intention is to organize a dinner in New York in the late autumn to members and friends of the League. We trust that he will receive the closest co operation from all his influential military acquaintances, with a view to making this proposed reunion possible. We wish to thank Capt. Bland for his devoted interest, and feel sure that his efforts will meet with the success they deserve. The year 1930 has been a successful one, and we tabulate our pilgrimages and tours to France and Belgium, as follows April 17-22 April May June July Aug. 19-22 9-21 7-10 5-7 2-5 Aug. 9-16 2nd London Regi mental Assn. Easter Pilgrimage 85th Club Whitsuntide Pil grimage Free Pilgrimage Bank Holiday Pilgrimage, in cluding Ather- stone Branch Party Whaley Branch, British Legion Arras. Ypres. Ypres. Ypres. Ypres. Ypres. France and Belgium. Independent travel has also been up to previous standard, and many letters have been received from individuals and secretaries of parties expressing entire satisfaction with the arrangements made by the League for their comfort, and immense help given by our repre sentatives at Ypres, Arras and Amiens. (See page 115.) Accounts of the August Bank Holiday trip, British Legion Tour, and Free Pilgrimage will be found on pages 119, 112, 104 respectively. We thank our London County Committee for the new members they have recruited and congratulate them on their activities during the year, which have been greatly appreciated, and we wish their work renewed success in 1931. We cannot conclude this letter without re ferring again to the message from Field-Marshal The Viscount Plumer to members of the League on page 97, appealing for the increase of member ship, and we feel confident that his request will meet with a very generous response.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1930 | | pagina 26