JHemorp tablet APRIL - MAY - JUNE April 5th, 1917 1 9th, 1917 11 9th, 1918 11 14th, 1918 11 22nd,1915 11 22nd,1918 11 24th, 1916 11 25th, 1915 11 27th, 1915 11 29th, 1916 APRIL United States declares war on Germany Battle of Vimy Ridge begins. Battle of the Lys begins. General Foch appointed Generalissimo of the Allied Armies in France. Second Battle ofYpres begins. Germans use asphyxiating gases. British Naval attack on Zeebruge and Ostend. Rebellion in Ireland. Allied Forces land in Gallipoli. General Sir Herbert Plumer given command of all troops in the Ypres Salient. Fall of Kut. MAY May 7th, 1915 The Lusitania torpedoed and sunk by the Germans. 12th, 1915 Windhoek, capital of German South-West Africa captured by General Botha. 19th, 1918 Germans bomb British hospitals at Etaples. 23rd, 1915 Italy declares war on Austria. 31st, 1916 Sea battle off the coast of Jutland. JUNE June 5th, 1916 Loss of Earl Kitchener on H.M.S. Hampshire. 7th, 1915 Flight-Lieut. Warneford attacks and destroys Zeppelin between Ghent and Brussels. 7th, 1917 British victory at Messines Ridge. 29th, 1917 General Allenby in command in Egypt.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1935 | | pagina 2