Ypres League Travel Bureau THE YPRES TIMES 189 EASTER (April 20th23rd, Saturday to Tuesday) YPRES (Day route via Ostend). WHITSUNTIDE (June 8th11th, Saturday to Tuesday) (Two separate pilgrimages): YPRES (Day route via Ostend). ARRAS (Day route via Boulogne). AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY (August 3rd—6th, Saturday to Tuesday) (Two separate pilgrimages) YPRES (Day route via Ostend). ARRAS (Day route via Boulogne). SEPTEMBER (September 21st24th, Saturday to Tuesday) YPRES (Day route via Ostend). YPRES. Cost. London to Ypres return via Ostend, with full board and best available accommodation (three nights) including taxes and gratuities at hotel. Second Class Train (1st Class Boat) £5 5 0 Second Class Train and Boat jG4 16 6 Third Class Train (1st Class Boat) £4 10 0 Third Class Train and Boat £4 16 ARRAS. Cost. London to Arras return via Boulogne, with full board and best available accommodation (three nights) including taxes and gratuities at hotel, Second Class Train (1st Class Boat) £6 18 10 Second Class Train and Boat £6 8 10 Third Class Train (1st Class Boat) £6 0 11 Third Class Train and Boat £5 8 11 The above quotations do not include meals on the journey or excursions on the continent. (Battlefield tours arranged by the Conductor at Ypres or Arras to suit the requirements of the party at moderate charges). Prospectuses will be gladly forwarded on application to The Secretary, Ypres League, 20, Orchard Street, London, W.l. INDEPENDENT TRAVEL. To those contemplating individual travel, our Travel Department would be pleased to furnish information on all matters connected with trips to any part of the Old Western Front Battlefields. Apply to Secretary, Ypres League, 20, Orchard Street, London, W.L, for the Ypres League Travel Guide for 1935.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1935 | | pagina 33