A Message from our Patron. Communications to The Editor, "Ypres Times,'* 20, Orchard Street, London, W.l. IMES PRICE 6d. POST FREE 7d. Vol. 7, No. 6. Published Quarterly April, 1935 IT gives me great pleasure as Patron of the Ypres League, to send greetings to every member of that body which so admirably and successfully keeps alive the memory of the heroic defence of the Salient and of the sacrifice of those who gave their lives for their Country. I trust I may yet be spared to perform the Annual Ceremony of the laying of the wreath which, year by year, symbolizes our commemorative work. We are celebrating this year the twenty-fifth anniversary of His Majesty The King's accession his reign will always be memorable as that in which the greatest war in history took place, and also for the wonderful display of loyalty and devotion from every corner of his Empire. During such a year the League should make a special effort, and I should like to see each member try to swell our numbers by enlisting at the very least one from among his comrades of the Salient. Success in such a com bined effort will ensure both the expansion and the continuance of our special aim, which is to keep green the memory of heroic devotion and noble self-sacrifice. Copyright reserved).


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1935 | | pagina 5