SMOKING CONCERT Saturday, October 26th, 1935 220 ELEVENTH ANNUAL REUNION DINNER AND DANCE. On Saturday, the 4th May, the Annual Reunion Dinner and Dance of the London County Committee was held at the Royal Hotel, Woburn Place, W.C.I, members and friends to the number of 134 being present. This attendance was a great improvement on last year, and the whole of the proceedings were marked by a spirit of sociability and en thusiasm which augurs well for future occa sions. The Dinner was presided over by Brig. General A. Burt, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., and supported by the Hon. Alice Douglas Pennant and Major E. Montague Jones. The Chairman, by his geniality and businesslike handling of his duties, did much to make the reunion a great success. In proposing the Loyal Toast he spoke at some length, in view of the near approach of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, and emphasized the fact that their Majesties The King and Queen, and the other Members of their Family, exercise an enormous influence for good throughout the length and breadth of our Empire. The Toast was received by tremendous enthusiasm by all present. Later, the Toasts of Absent Friends and the London County Committee, were submitted, the latter being replied to in his own inimitable way by Major Montague Jones, our hard working and ever genial Committee Chairman. Major Jones thanked all present for their support, gave a resume of the years work, and com pletely brought down the house by a recital of one or two anecdotes in connection with a recent Battlefields Tour, of which he was in charge. The Chairman of the London County Com mittee then proposed the toast of The Chair man which was received with musical honours, to which General Burt suitably replied. The following telegrams were received during the evening "The King sincerely thanks the members of the London Branch of the Ypres League for their kind and loyal message which His Majesty, as Patron- in-Chief, much appreciates."Private Secretary. "The Fifth Army Old Comrades send greetings and hope you will have a pleasant re-union." At the conclusion of the Dinner the Company adjourned to the Ball Room for the second part of the evening's Programme and the Dance which followed can only be described as the best we have ever held. The duties of M.C. were carried out by Mr. W. C. Parker in his cheery and efficient manner and the Music was pro vided by the Al Berry's Band." The Pro gramme of Dances was well assorted, both the modern and older schools being well represented, and this, together with a perfect floor, made the function a great success. The whole of the arrangements for this most enjoyable evening were carried out by Mr. John Bougheythe Secretary of the London County Committee. Mr. Boughey is no lover of limelight, but some of us know and appreciate how much hard work, thought, and energy, he puts into the various activities of the Ypres League in London, and it is earnestly desired that members will back up his efforts by their presence at as many of the Leagues fixtures as possible. J. W. F. LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE. Informal Gatherings. The season's Informal Gatherings are now drawing to a close, and we are grateful for the interest that has been shown in these reunions during the past twelve months. The attendances have been satisfactory, although we should like to welcome larger musters. Our indebtedness is due to those who have voluntarily come forward to arrange evening's programmes, and we hope that others will follow the good example during the next series which commence in September. Fixture dates will be gladly sent on application to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. j. Boughey. The London County Committee are already at work planning the forthcoming Gatherings, when it is expected to introduce into the pro grammes some new items of interest which we trust will meet the approval of the audiences. Annual Reunion Smoking Concert. The Thirteenth Annual Smoking Concert will be held at the Caxton Hall, Victoria Street, S.W.I, on Saturday, October 26th, 1935, at 7.30 p.m., and we shall look forward to the full support of the London members. Full details will be announced in the next quarterly journal and notices will appear in the Press. PLEASE RESERVE THIS DATE. THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REUNION (Organised by the London County Committee) will be held on at 7.30 p.m. in Caxton Hall, Caxton St., Victoria Street, S.W.I The support of all members is earnestly solicited as we hope very much to record a bumper attendance this year. Full particulars will appear in the next October edition of the Ypres Times."


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1935 | | pagina 30