THE YPRES LEAGUE, 23, HENRIETTA STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, LONDON, W.l. TELEPHONE MAYFAIR 7076. The following publications appealing to all interested in Ypres, can be supplied from this Office: In the Ypres Salient. By Lt.-Col. Beckles Willson. The story of a fortnight's Canadian fightingJune 2nd-16th, 1916. Is. net post free Is. 2d. Ypres, the Holy Ground of British Arms. By Lt.-Col. Beckles Willson. 3s. net post free 3s. 4d. Tales of Talbot House. By the Rev. P. B. Clayton, M.C. 3s. 6d. netpost free 3s. lOd. The Pilgrim's Guide to the Ypres Salient. (Toe H.) 3s. 6d. netpost free 3s. lOd. Illustrated Guide to the Battlefields. The famous guide to Ypres Battlefields, issued by the Michelin Tyre Co., with copious photographs and maps. 4s. netpost free 4s. 4d. A Subaltern in the Field! By E. C. Matthews. 3s. 6d. netpost free 3s. lOd. To the Vanguard and other Songs to the Seven Divisions. By Beatrix Brice. A casket of beautiful poems, including that so well known, Oh Little Mighty Force that Stood for England." Is. netpost free Is. 2d. The Record of the 11th Bn. King's (Liverpool) Regt. (Subsequently the 15th Bn. Loy. North Lanes.) An interesting account of the wanderings and excellent service rendered by this regiment, with most interesting trench maps, now most difficult to obtain. Is. netpost free Is. 2d. A Galloper at Ypres. By Lt.-Col. P. R. Butler, D.S.O. (The Royal Irish). 15s. net post free 15s. 6d. The City of Fear and other Poems. By Gilbert Frankau. 3s. 6d. netpost free 3s. 8d. Happy Days in France and Flanders. By Benedict Williamson. With intro duction by Lt.-Col. R. C. Fielding, D.S.O. Describes experiences of a Padre during the taking of Messines Ridge, the operations at Nieuport, and the great fight for Passchendaele Ridges. 7s. 6d. netpost free 7s. lOd. With the Cornwall Territorials on the Western Front. By E. C. Matthews, with illustrations and maps. 25s. netpost free 25s. 6d. Memories of Flanders. By Capt. B. S. H. Grant. Illustrated. Is. netpost free Is. 2d PHOTOGRAPHS. A catalogue of photographs may be obtained on application to the Secretary. These comprise some of the best taken by the official photographers in the Ypres Salient during the War. Size, 6 ins. by 8 ins. or 12 ins. by 15 ins. Write for descriptive catalogue. BOOKLETS OF POSTCARDS. The following have been specially printed for The Ypres League: "Ypres," Kemmel," "Views of the SalientNorth," Views of the SalientSouth," each con taining 10 views, Is. per booklet; post free Is. 2d. ETCHINGS. By Capt. G. E. Butler Lille Gate and The Cloth Hall." (Present ruined state.) Size of each, lOins. by 1 ft. 12s. 6d. each. The Cloth Hall (as before the War), by Laurence Da vies. Size 14 ins. by 11 ms. Price to members, 12s. 6d. each. PRINTS. Copies of the Ruins of Ypres," illustrated on double-page of October No. of Ypres Times" on superfine paper, 6d. each. The same picture as a 1922 Calendar, Is. each Hell-Fire Corner Heavies at Passchendaele "I Won't." See separate advertisement. MAPS. The Ypres League Map of the Salient showing the Battle Fronts and Trench Systems in the Ypres Salient, specially prepared by Geographia," Ltd., 55, Fleet Street, E.C. 4. Prices at Bookstalls, etc., 4s. 6d. net, Paper mounted on Cloth, 7s. 6d. net Price to Members (to be obtained from the Secretary), 3s. net Paper, post free 3s. 2d. mounted on Cloth, 4s. 6d. net, post free 4s. 8d. Published bv The Ypres League, 23, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, W. 1 and Printed for the Publishers by Langley Sons, Ltd., The Euston Press, N.W. 1.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1922 | | pagina 36