86 The Ypres Times. for the help of others lie ready to hand for all of us who shared the privilege of comradeship in Flanders fields and learnt there the spirit of unselfishness. That spirit and that privilege belong to-day to the Members of the Ypres League, who have bound themselves together to preserve them, under the motto, Lest we Forget." What we have thus pledged our memories to keep fresh is not, what jolly good fellows we ourselves were, but what jolly good fellows those Other Fellows were. We have clasped hands to remember their high example and to carry it on now that they are gone. Tell them, O guns, that we have heard their call, That we have sworn and will not turn aside, That we will onward till we win or fall, That we wiU keep the faith for which they died. A memory without that spur to our resolution would be only a sentimental luxury, quite unworthy of those whom we remember. We have got not only to reminisce (if we may be permitted the word) but to progress. In furthering this work lies a great future for the Ypres Times. OUR CARTOON. Mett and Juff on Tour. Drawn by 0. Mason.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1922 | | pagina 4