The Ypres Times. 89 designs made by Sir Reginald Blomfield, R.A., for the great Menin Gate which is to be the memorial to all those who in that area were reported missing and have never been found. Sir Reginald, who was there to show his designs to the King, explained that the Gate would measure 115 ft. by 66 ft. Each face would be a great and severe archway, spanning the road, and in the vault of the arch tablets would be placed bearing the names of the missing. At the summit a great bronze lion would look down the dreadful and glorious Menin Road. At Vlamertinghe, beyond Ypres, the King saw a completed British military cemetery. The ground is not all full, since the French dead have been removed, but the plain white stone front along the road, with a tall white cross in the centre and a cupola at either end, and the Portland stone graves, alike in shape, but differing within certain limits in detail of inscription, make up a whole that at once suggests that the military idea yet allows the personal note to be heard. The Burgomaster of 'Vlamertinghe greeted the King with an address in French, and his little daughter brought a wreath of mauve and white flowers, tied with British, Belgian, and French ribbons, which was laid at the foot of the cross. The grave of Captain Francis Grenfell, V.C., which commemorates also his brother, Captain Rivy Grenfell, was one which the King specially desired to see. Here the Royal party was joined by Mr. Rudyard Kipling and by the new High Commissioner of Canada, Mr. Larkin, who being in the neighbourhood on a tour of the military cemeteries, were summoned by the King to meet him, and had some talk with his Majesty." FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR VISITING GRAVES. Arrangements have been made by the Secretary whereby Members of the League who are unable to afford the ordinary fares and hotel charges for visiting graves on the Continent may have these expenses paid for them. Only near relations will be granted this concession, and it will no doubt save much time and trouble if it is added that as some investigation into the applicant's circum stances is made, it will be useless for any others but those in really poor circumstances to apply. The following Cemeteries have now been completed Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery. Bluet Farm, Elverdinghe. In the following Cemeteries permanent con struction has commenced Voormezeele Enclosure No. 3. Solferino Farm, Brielen. Divisional Cemetery, Dickebusch Road. Dickebusch New Military Cemetery. Belgian Battery Corner, Ypres. Duhallow Advanced Dressing Station, Ypres. Spoilbank Extension, Zillebeke. La Brique (two cemeteries). New Irish Farm, St. Jean. Potijze Chateau (three cemeteries). Aeroplane Cemetery, Ypres. YPRES TIMES. A Supplementary Number. In view of the Reunion at Ypres on the 30th July it is proposed to publish an interim or supple mentary Number of the Ypres Times during August. This number would contain full illus trated reports of the proceedings at Ypres and other interesting features. It can only be produced however on the basis of a certain minimum of guaranteed orders. The supplementary numbers that may be issued from time to time cannot be issued free to Members. All readers intending to subscribe to it are therefore requested to fill in the coupon below and cut out and return to the Editor at the offices of the League. Attention is also directed to an important announcement on page 110. To the Editor, The Ypres Times." Please supply to mecopies of the Reunion Supplement of the Ypres Times when published. I will remit the sum of 6d. in payment upon receipt of notice to do so when the Supple ment is issued. Name Address


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1922 | | pagina 7