16 The Ypres Times. rest assured that we, who worked with them, fought with them, and hoped with them, will exact the price. Ypres, and all you mean, farewellTo those who come after us, Good Luck We are going back to rest And with our departure came this handsome offer to a succeeding division FOR SALE. THE SALIENT ESTATE COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL. Intending purchasers will be shown round any time, day or night. Underground residences ready for habitation. Housebreakers Woolley, Bear, Crump and Co. Telegrams 'ADSUM, WIPERS." It is all very well to speak of the old Wipers Times as comic. It wasvery. It was full of comedy. But we needed the comic spirit then as we had never needed it in our lives before, and it enabled us to put a good face upon conditions which would else have crushed some of us. At the same time, as I have shown, it was not all comedythought and pathos went to the making of it, and the little band of cheery fellows, Messrs. Roberts, Pearson, Frankau and the rest, who produced it, earned our gratitude then, and we find, after five years, our sentiment has not changed. 44 TOC H. Not many men can have got into the Salient and escaped (or not, as the case may be) without meeting with Talbot House. Gilbert Talbot, Lieutenant, R.B., fell very gallantly at Hooge on July 30th, 1915, and the same year saw Toe H born in a big white house in Poperinghe as a living memorial of him. Two years later, Little Talbot House in Ypres itself came to occupy the lace factory in the Rue de Lille. The motto of the houses, from the beginning, was All rank abandon ye who enter here." This was a little puzzling to the General Staff, but it worked to the endand still continues to work. The good comradeship of all ranks under the roof of "Toe H." in those days has been transplanted to meet the emergencies, no less great, of peace-time at home. There are already three visible houses of Toe H." in London, full of men of the old spirit, and there are some seventy branches scattered throughout the country and far beyond. The original nucleus of members is ex-service, but already the younger generation from school or factory is joining up alongside them. These are all men pledged to real comradeship, pledged alsoso far as in them liesto serve the commonwealth as citizens as stoutly as the men who didn't come back served it as soldiers. Toe H." to-day is proud to call itself once of Poperinghe and Ypres," but its eyes and hopes are fixed on the future. If you would know more, write to the H.Q. Office, 123, St. George's Square, S.W.I.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1923 | | pagina 16