The Ypres Times. 13 followed. But when he left the Army in that year as a General, a G.C.B., and G.B.E., the strong frame had at length given way, and though he devoted much time and labour in his last few j-ears to the various institutions connected with the welfare of the soldier, he was carried off at the end of last September by disease due to overwork. He will be mourned by many an old comrade, and his help will be missed by those with whom he The Tate GENERAL SCLATER. lately worked, but his memory and example will be cherished as that of one who gave all his energies and time to his duty, who gained the confidence of the greatest soldiers of his time, and made himself beloved by all high or low with whom he was brought in contact. From Cadet to General he was ever distinguished by his integrity, his industry and his loyalty to those he served, and his character remains a model for every boy entering the service to imitate. E. S. M«


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1924 | | pagina 15