qrand smoking concert RE-UNION OF MEMBERS AND FRIENDS. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. CANNON STREET HOTEL, GREAT HALL, FRIDAY, 10th OCTOBER, 1924, 71 The Ypres Times. Well, he shelled nearly the whole of the day and, of course, we dared not go near the guns. The following day we went and found some of our kit which was not buried, but as he started shelling again we had to leave. I found most of mine, but my overcoat was in ribbons. On the following day we had word that the guns had to be moved that night, a job we did not like at all. However, it had to be done, and at 10.30 at night the lorries arrived and we got the guns, storës, etc., loaded. Fritz then sent over some gas shells, which very nearly did some of us in however we got away and then began our awful journey past Menin Gate and through the city. How we did it I do not know, and I suppose shall never find outshells came so close to us that it is wonderful we were not hit. As we were going through Ypres a house was on fire and Fritz was making a mark of that, as of course he saw the flare. It was an experience we shall never forget, and it was a marvel how guns and men came away without damage or casualties. No wonder after the above experiences we were ordered to a farmhouse for a week's rest, when most of us suffered from the effects of gas. There is not a doubt that the Ypres front was the worst one we had and consequently was called Living Hell." I may add that whilst at this position our men rendered good assistance one night to some lorries that were being shelled, and on fire, attending to wounded and dying men, and thereby gaining five military medals, which they richly deserved and which was a great credit to the 219 Battery. H. LESLIE PASMORE, (Gunner), 219 (S) Battery, R.G.A. All Members of the Ypres League and their friends are cordially invited by the London County Committee to meet together at the on when a will be given. CAPTAIN E. CLIVE MASKELYNE, of Maskelyne's Theatre, has kindly undertaken to provide the Programme for the evening. Doors Open at 7 o'clock, p.m. Tables can be Reserved. Admission: 5s., 2s. 6d. and Is. '"fir PLEASE BOOK THE DATE.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1924 | | pagina 12