130 The Ypres Times. Times, the London County Committee held three Informal Meetings, on October 17th, November 7th and December 5th. These gatherings have met with success, as is shown by the larger number attending each successive meeting. The Committee hope that members will make these gatherings well known to all their friends, and they extend a very hearty welcome to prospective members and all interested in the League. It is by such means that the spirit of comradeship and friend ship is strengthened and the Committee trust that members will make a point of being present in order to spend a happy evening talking over old times spent in the Salient. Will members please note that Informal Meet ings will be held at 36, Eaton Place, S.W.i, on January 1st, February 5th, and March 5th, 1925, from 6.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The London County Committee are pleased to announce that they have arranged for a Children's Christmas Party to be held at the Office of the League, 36, Eaton Place, S.W.i, on Saturday, 10th January, from 4-7 p.m. Members of the J unior Division will be admitted free children of League members and friends will be admitted on payment of 6d. each. The Committee hope that all attending will spend a very happy time. A Christmas tree will be provided, and any friends of the League who are interested and would like to give a small donation are asked to forward it to the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee. The Committee would esteem it a favour if those intending to be present will notify the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, 36, Eaton Place, S.W.i, on or before January 6th. Parents of children are also welcomed. The Com mittee would be grateful for any Christmas decorations for which members have no further use and these should be sent to 36, Baton Place, S.W.i. SHEFFIELD AND DISTRICT BRANCH NEWS. The Sheffield and District Branch com memorated Ypres Day by holding their third Annual Re-union Dinner at Stephenson's Exchange Restaurant, Sheffield, on the evening of Ypres DayOctober 31st. The President of the Branch (Col. D. S. Branson, D.S.O., M.C.) presided. The guests of the evening were Lt.-Col. F. H. Fernie, D.S.O., a member of the League Executive Com mittee, and Capt. R. W. Mathews, ex-Master Cutler of Sheffield and President of the Sheffield Branch of Toe H. Telegrams were rece i ved from H.M. The King and the Earl of Ypres, O.M., wish ing the members present an enjoyable evening, etc. The Chairman proposed the toast of The League," in reply to which Col. Fernie gave an account of the present activities of the League, and how and to what extent its objects were being carried out. Lt.-Col. M. J. Duggan, Vice-President, proposed the toast of Our Guests." Capt. R. W. Mathews, in reply, said that it was im possible to think of the Salient without thinking of Talbot House at Poperinghe, which brought so much comfort to all ranks when they came out of the turmoil and horror of the trenches. From Talbot House had sprung Toe H, which was founded to carry on the spirit of unselfish sacrifice which marked the conduct of everybody connected with the defence of Ypres. That unselfish sacrifice was an effort to repay a debt to those who had passed overa debt which was really unpayable. The Rev. A. E. Duckett, B.Sc., A.K.C., Hon. Chaplain, giving the toast of Absent Friends,'' said the future of the Empire and the future of the world to a very large extent depended on whether the rising generation was captured by the same lofty ideals which animated the men who defended Ypres. The golden opportunity had been presented to them of seizing the torch, on which there were two labelsservice for others and brotherhood. Those were the two bulwarks on which the Empire had been built, and on which it could be extended. A vote of thanks to the President was proposed by Mr. Holmes and was replied to by the Chairman. Balfour's Dannemora Light Orchestra rendered a happy selection of music throughout the evening. The Branch Secretary begs to thank those members who so kindly informed him of their inability to attend the Annual Dinner. This simple little courtesy was much appreciated. He also thanks those members who, although unable to attend themselves, sent a small donation towards expenses, or to the wreath fund. Suggestions for further activities will be welcomed from any Branch member. Will members drop him a line about this important matter N.W. LONDON BRANCH YPRES LEAOUE. A well-attended dance, arranged by the N.W. London Branch of the Ypres League, was held at the Drill Hall of the 19th London Territorials, High Street, Camden Town. The well-known Ypres League song, A Corner in Flanders," was played as a waltz by Mr. Butcher's orchestra, and many copies of the song were sold for the benefit of the League funds. During the interval the Annual General Meeting of the N.W. London Branch was held, Capt. C. Alliston in the chair. Thanks are due to the many voluntary helpers for a most successful evening. Among those present were Capt. C. Alliston (chairman). Coun cillor Mrs. Alliston, Capt. F. H. Davies, Messrs. John Boughey, A. Copland, Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, F. Baker, Avey, Mackman, T. F. Farmer, Cathcart, and Misses Greagsbey, Tomlin. Donations were kindly sent by J. O. Roberts, Esq., Mrs. Trill, Miss Frigout and others. THE MEMORY TABLET. It has been a source of disappointment that the Memory Tablet, which has now been appearing for a year, has called forth so few suggestions. If it has given rise to any memories of actions by individual units, these reminiscences did not reach the editorial office. We should be glad to know whether members consider it worth continuing as a feature of our Magazine.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1925 | | pagina 20