in 1915.
fence of Hill 60.
The Ypees Times.
arteleen Road Bridge Southern end of Armagh Wood The Caterpillar Battle Wood.
mp. Verbranden Molen Imperial War Museum Photograph, Crown Copyright
N. to S.S.E. (including Hill 60), 10-4-15.
the British took over the line in February, 1915, it was decided to recapture the hill and
deny its use to the observation officers of the enemy.
Measures were taken immediately,and mining was begun by parties of the 28th Division,
reinforced by the 171st Tunnelling Company.The 13th Brigadecommanded by Brig.-
General R. 'Warnless O'Gowan, was selected for the attack, and taken out of the line
for special training. This brigade, be it noted, was a part of the first five divisions to land
in France, and belonged to the II Corps, that bore the brunt of the first fighting.
On the night of April 16th the Brigade took over from the 15th without attracting
enemy observation. The 1st Battalion the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment,
and the 2nd Battalion the King's Own Scottish Borderers were in the front line, the 2nd Duke
of Wellington's in support near Zillebeke Lake, and the 2ndLKing's Own Yorkshire
Light Infantry in reserve.
Throughout a perfectly quiet day of hot and brilliant weather they lay waiting