The Ypres Times.
to our new members.
Every addition to our numbers is a source of
satisfaction, and I extend the sincerest welcome
to those who have joined us during the last
4 I am going to plunge in medias res, as space will
not permit of any preamble. Members have been
coming in lately not in battalions, but single file,
and it is to members themselves that I now appeal
to take a more active part in the work of recruiting.
No edifice can be erected without hands, and we
need more builders than are at present forthcom
ing if we are to put the coping-stone on the
monument begun. It is often pleaded that times
are hard, trade depressed, and that many are
living on the narrow margins of life. These facts
are indisputable. But do not allow difficulties
to paralyse effort, to engender an insidious apathy
which becomes in the end the parent of indiffer
ence. If we have faith in our ideals it is possible
to remove mountains. Energy and a spirit un
daunted by rebuffs and initial discouragement will
clear the path of all obstacles. Many strokes,
though with a little axe, hew down and fell the
hardest-timbered oak." Members are apt to think
that they have discharged their obligations by the
payment of a subscription, or the giving of a
donation. But we ask of them that little more
and how much it is! their close co-operation
in our propaganda work. They can give no
better proof of sympathy with the commemorative
object of the League than by helping to increase
its numbers, and in so doing keep green the
memory of those gallant souls who fought and
fell at Ypres.
I shall remember while the light is yet,
And in the night-time I will not forget."
embroidered badges.
It has been proposed that the badge of the
League should be issued embroidered on cloth,
suitable for wearing on blazers or displaying as
an ornament. These could be supplied at four
shillings each, or even less, if only there is a
sufficient demand to justify the committee in
ordering a large quantity. Will members, there
fore, who would be ready to buy such a badge
were it issued, send a post card to the Secretary
to apprise him of the fact. If sufficient are
received we shall get the badges made.
shields of honour.
As members are aware, designs for shields
commemorating individual war services can be
obtained through the League for 3s., and can be
reproduced in enamel on metal shields mounted
on ebony, for a guinea. It is now possible, as an
alternative, to have them engrossed on vellum
for the same pricea guinea. These would be
suitable either for framing or for placing in an
album. The colours reproduce better on vellum
than they do on metal.
next Church of St. Nicholas just being rebuilt
halfway between Station the Grand Place.
English Proprietor
photographs, maps and panoramas.
Many people wish that they had kept their old
trench maps, and enquire whether it is still
possible to get them. They are no longer printed,
but photographs can be obtained, which in 12 in.
by 15 in. size show all the detail with great
clearness. When ordering give the place, the
scale and the date of the map that you require.
The price is exactly the same as that of the other
photographs that we catalogue.
On another page in this number will be found
a reproduction of a fine panorama of Hill 60.
Many of us remember the panoram as that adorned
our O.P.'s in France and Belgium. These can now
mostly be obtained from the Imperial War Museum
through the League. They vary in size. The one
of Hill 60 consists of four photographs. Our repro
duction covers a little more than the two middle
Our travel arrangements are much as last year.
At present we regret to say that it does not look
as though there would be demand enough to
justify our attempting to organise a large one-day
pilgrimage. We are, however, ready to take a
conducted pilgrimage over at Whitsuntide, May
Rue Courte de Thourout,
Grande Place, YPRES.
30 Frs. per Day.
English Throughout. Manageress
Tel.264 Ypres. Mrs. Phillips.