The Ypres League (Incorporated),
36, Eaton Place, S.W.I.
The Ypres Times.
(Telephone Vic. 5446.)
Patron in Chief: H.M. THE KING.
H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. H.R.H. Princess Beatrice.
PresidentField Marsiiai, The Earl of Ypres.
F.-M. Earl Haig. F.-M. Viscount Allenby.
F.-M. Lord Plumer. Rt. Hon. Viscount Burnham.
General Committee
Lady Albemarle. Mr. F. D. Banks Hilt.
♦Major J. R. Ainswortii-Davis. Mr. j. Hetherington.
♦Captain C. Alliston. *Captain H. D. Hyams.
Mrs. E. M. Barker. Colonel Comdt. H. C. Jackson.
Lieut.-Colonel Beckles-Willson. ♦Major Montague Jones.
Mr. John Boughey. *The Hon. Alice Douglas Pennant.
♦Miss B. Brice-Miller. ♦Lieut -General Sir William P. Pulteney.
♦Colonel G. T. Brierley. Lieut.-Colonel J. Murray.
Lieut.-General Sir Philip Chetwooe. Lord Rawlinson.
Mr. A. Copland. Sir h. Perry Robinson.
♦Brig.-General C. Cunliffe-Owen. Major-General C. F. Romer.
♦Captain F. H. Davies. Viscount Sandon.
Mrs. Charles b. Edwards. The Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley.
Mr. H. A. T. Fairbank. Mr. Ernest Thompson.
♦Lieut.-Colonel F. H. Fernie. Captain G. Lockley Turner.
Mr. T. Ross Furner. Major-General Sir h. Uniacke.
Sir Philip Gibbs. ♦Mr. E. B. Waggett.
Dr. C. E. Goddard. Lieut.-Colonel Luther Watts.
Lieut.-General Sir Charles Harington. Colonel Comdt. G. A. Weir.
Major-General Sir John Headlam. Captain J. Wilkinson.
Capt. H. Trevor Williams.
*Executive Committee.
Hon. Treasurer: Honorary Solicitors:
Lt.-Gen. Sir w. P. Pulteney. Messrs. Fladgate Co., 18, Pall Mall S.W.
Hon. Secretary: Bankers:
Major B. S. Browne. Barclay Co., Ltd., Kniglitsbridge Braruh
A uditorsTrustees
Messrs. Geo. Dixf.y Co., I,t.-Gen. Sir W. P. Pulteney.
ga, Sackville Street, w.i. Capt. H. D. Hyams.
I.Commemoration, comradeship and help.
II.To arrange special facilities for travel and transport of members.
III.—To furnish information about the Salientto mark historic sites, and to compile
charts of the battlefields.
IV.-To secure the erection of an outstanding memorial of the Defence.
V.To diffuse amongst members information on all matters connected with the battle
VI.To establish, maintain, regulate and control groups of members throughout the
world, through corresponding members.
VII.-To establish cordial relations with the dwellers on the battlefields of Ypres.
Subscription 5s. a year or £2 10 o for life.