The Ypres Times.
tottenham and edmonton district.
Will members of the Tottenham and Edmonton
District kindly note that Mr. E. Glover, of 191,
Lansdowne Road, Tottenham, N.17, is Corres
ponding Member for these districts, and will be
pleased to receive any suggestions for increasing
the activities of the League in the above localities.
membership of the leaoue.
This is open to all who served in the
Salient, and to all those whose relatives
or friends died there, in order that they
may have a record of that service for themselves
and their descendants, and belong to the comrade
ship of men and women who understand and
remember all that Ypres meant in suffering and
Life membership, 2 10s. Annual members, 5s.
Special charges are made to those who cannot
afford the 5s. subscription.
Do not let the fact of your not having served
in the Salient deter you from joining the Ypres
League. Those who have neither fought in the
Salient nor lost relatives there, but who are in
sympathy with the objects of the Ypres League,
are admitted to its fellowship but are not given
scroll certificates.
There is also a Junior Division, to which children
(and certain other near relatives) of those who
fought in the Salient have a right to belong.
Annual Subscription, 1/- up to the age of 18,
after which they can become ordinary members of
the League.
photographs of war graves.
The Ypres League has made arrangements
whereby it is able to supply photographs (negative,
and one print, post card size, unmounted) of
graves situated in the Ypres Salient, and in the
Hazebrouck and Armentieres areas at the price
of 10s. each.
All applications for photographs should be sent
to the Secretary, together with remittance, giving
the regimental particulars of the soldier, name of
cemetery, and number of plot, row and grave.
embroidered badges.
In the last (April) edition of The Ypres Times
it was proposed that the badge of the League
should be issued embroidered on cloth suitable
for wearing on blazers, or displaying as an
We are pleased to announce that these badges
can now be supplied at 4s. each, post free. A
considerable number have already been sold, and
we are delighted to hear that the badges have given
entire satisfaction to our members who have
received them.
distinguished service order.
It may interest our readers to know that Captain
Burgess' (our Corresponding Member at Madrid)
grandfather, the late Mr. Philip Blunt Burgess,
was closely connected with the work involved
in the institution of the D.S.O., and assisted in
the selection of the design of the Badge.
lyric competition.
A lyric for a new March Song for the Ypres
League is required.
The selected lyric will be set to music, and
published by a well known firm. The author will
receive the usual royalties after publication.
Send your lyric and Is. to The Secretary,
Entertainment Committee, Ypres League, 9, Baker
Street, W.l.
N.B.A competing lyric must be signed with
a pen name, the actual nameand address
being placed in a sealed envelope and enclosed.
a greenjacket association.
Behind the announcement that Princess
Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry is to be
affiliated to the Rifle Brigade lies an interesting
history. The Duke of Connaught, Colonel-in-
Chief of the Rifle Brigade, was Governor-General
at Ottawa when the Canadian Regiment which
bore his daughter's name, was raised. On arriving
in England it was drafted into the 80th Brigade,
which consisted mainly of Greenjacket units,
including the 4th Rifle Brigade. The Canadian
troops fought alongside of these riflemen in defence
of the famous Rifle Brigade Trench at St. Eloi
and relieved one another at Polygon Wood. It
was of the fight at Bellewaerde Ridge that the
Canadians said We have seen the Angels to
day, and they helped us out. They had R.B. on
their shoulders.'' Now the two regiments are
to be permanently associated in a close alliance,
in memory of Ypres and other battles.
The proposal to build a Memorial Church
at Ypres, backed as it is by many eminent and
influential names, has aroused much sympathetic
interest. It must necessarily be some time before
an English Church is available, so many visitors to
Ypres may like to know that morning and evening
services are held regularly on Sundays in the Church
Army Hostel. Visiting Chaplains are glad to help
with frequent and regular celebrations of the Holy
Communion in the little war-worn chapel attached
to the Hostel.
cross-word puzzle.
The prize offered for the first correct solution
of our Battle Cross-word Puzzle opened on April
30th, went to Lieut.-Colonel A. Williams, of
Woodlands," Bembridge, I.O.W., who received
a copy of The Immortal Salient. Owing to this
issue being a memorial number, we regret that
from want of space we are unable to publish
either the solution of the prize puzzle or the best
military cross-word puzzle received on June
1st. These will be held over until next October.