The Ypres Times.
The anniversary of the Second Battle of Ypres
(April 22nd, 1915) was duly celebrated at Madrid
at an at home given at his private residence by
Captain P. W. Burgess, Corresponding Member of
the League. An excellent programme of music
was provided which was much appreciated by
those present, among whom were H.E. Sir Horace
Rumbold (British Ambassador), Lady Rumbold,
Miss Rumbold, Master Rumbold, Hon. F. G.
Agar-Robartes (Secretary, British Embassy),
Major W. W. Torr (Military Attaché), Rev. F.
Symes-Thompson (Chaplain to the Embassy),
Capt. U. de B. Charles (Commercial Secretary),
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Berry (Associated Press), Mr.
D. J. Rodgers (H.B.M.'s Consul), Mr. W. McL.
Clarke (Canadian Government Trade Commis
sioner), Capt. J. della Rocca, H.E. Le Comte
de Peretti de la Rocca (French Ambassador),
Monsieur and Madame E. Grimaud de Caux,
Monsieur and Madame M. J. Lecomte, and Mr.
A. W. Ferrin (American Consul).
A memorial service was held at St. George's
Church, Madrid, on May 26th, at 7.45 p.m., under
the auspices of the Ypres League for Field Marshal
Earl Ypres, late President of the League. The
British Ambassador, the members of the Madrid
Section of the Ypres League, as well as representa
tives of the United States Embassy, attended
the service, at which the British Embassy Chaplain
(the Rev. F. Symes-Thompson) officiated.
It is suggested that the annual re-union dinner
cf the Branch be held about the end of October in
Sheffield as previously. It will save the Branch
much expense and needless writing if those
members who would like to attend this function
will drop a post card to the Secretary, Capt. J.
Wilkinson, Ivydene," Fieldhead Road, to that
effect, when full particulars will be sent as soon
as details are arranged. The Committee are
forced to adopt this procedure to enable suitable
arrangements in respect of accommodation, etc.,
to be made.
The London Coimty Committee are pleased to
announce that the third Reunion Smoking Concert
will be held on Thursday, October 15th, 1925, at
the Great Hall, Cannon Street Hotel, at 7 p.m.,
when Brig.-General R. j. Kentish, C.M.G., D.S.O.,
has kindly consented to take the chair. Price
of tickets will be 5s., 2s. 6d., and Is.
The programme is in the hands of Murray
Ashford's Felixstowe Entertainers (under the
direction of Mr. Wilby Lunn). The Committee
are confident that a very successful programme
will be given as the artists are well known at the
Palladium and various seaside resorts.
The previous smoking concerts have been great
successes, and the London County Committee
are desirous that members and friends of the
League will help forward the forthcoming one by
attending themselves, and also by advertising the
concert among friends and all interested in the
welfare of the League.
Full particulars of the concert will be given in
the next issue of The Ypres Times, but the
London Coimty Committee ask members to book
the date and also by propaganda make the concert
as widely known as possible.
The Hon. Secretary of the London County
Committee will be glad to receive the names of
any ladies or gentlemen willing to act as stewards
for the occasion, or to help in any other way.
The London County Committee held its informal
gatherings for members and friends on April 2nd,
May 7th and June 4th. The attendance at
these meetings has greatly increased, and the
enthusiasm aroused has resulted not only in
stimulating a greater interest in the League
amongst members, but also in the accession of
several new members. At the meeting on June
4th, the last to be held until the autumn, Major
J. R. Ainsworth-Davis (Chairman of the London
County Committee) addressed those present, and
thanked them on behalf of the Committee for
the appreciation of the meetings, shown not only
by personal attendance, but also by the interest
taken in the League. He urged that the spirit of
comradeship which prevailed in war-time should
be kept alive in time of peace.
Mention was also made of the Junior Division,
and the Chairman impressed on members the need
of developing this branch of the League's work in
order that the memory of Ypres might always
be cherished by the descendants of those who
fought and died in the Salient.
[In this connection I desire to quote from
a letter addressed by Colonel G. T. Brierley to
Corresponding Members The formation of a
Junior Division had Earl Ypres' entire approval,
and in a speech made by him at the reunion held
last J uly at Grosvenor House he urged the
necessity of instilling into the minds of the youth
of to-day a pride in the heroic deeds wrought in
thé Salient by their fathers. In my opinion in
sufficient attention is being focussed on this
branch of the League, and I suggest that we
could raise no more fitting memorial to our
late President than the establishment of a strong
Junior Division."
This aspiration will not fail to receive the active
sympathy and support of those members who are
parents. We ask them to apply without delay for
membership forms of the Junior Division, and to
fill them in on behalf of their children, who will
appreciate the honour more and more as they
grow older. Do it now.-Ed., The Ypres Times.]