THE IMMORTAL SALIENT.—A complete guide to the battle
fields of Ypres, containing two maps, four coloured plates, together
with historical articles of the highest interest. 5/-post free, 5/4.
The following publications appealing to all interested in Ypres can be supplied from this Office.
In the Ypres Salient. By Lt.-Col. Beckles Willson. The story of a fortnight's
Canadian fightingJune 2nd-i6th, 1916. is. netpost free is. 2d.
Ypres, the Holy Ground of British Arms. By Lt.-Col. Beckles Willson. 3s. net. post
free 3s. 2d.
A Subaltern in the Field. By E. C. Matthews. 3s. 6d. net. post free 3s. 8d.
To the Vanguard and other Songs to the Seven Divisions. By Beatrix Brice. A
casket of beautiful poems, including the well known, Oh Little Mighty Force
that Stood for England." is. net. post free is. 2d.
History of the 1st D.C.L.I., 1914. By E. M. Channing-Renton. 3s. 6d. post free 3s. 8d.
The City of Fear and other Poems. By Gilbert Frankau. 3s. 6d. net. post free 3s. 8d.
The Judgment of Valhalla. By Gilbert Frankau. 3s. 6d. net. post free 3s. 8d.
Happy Days in France and Flanders. By Benedict Williamson. With introduction
by Lt.-Col. R- C. Fielding, D.S.O. Describes experiences of a Padre during the
taking of Messines Ridge, the operations at Nieuport, and the great fight for
Passchendale Ridges. 7s. 6d. net. post free 7s. 8d.
The Unbreakable Coil. By Major A. L. K. Anderson. A record of service with the
3rd Batt. S. Staffordshire Regt., and with the 2nd Batt. at the First Battle of Ypres.
is. free is. 8d.
The following have been specially printed for The Ypres LeagueYpres,"
"Views of the SalientNorth." "Views of the SalientSouth," "Ypres, Before and
After," Ypres Rebuilt." is. per bookletpost free is. 2d.
Etchings by Capt. G. E. Butler Lille Gate The Cloth Hall (Present
ruined state) and Polygon Wood." Size of each, 10 ins. by 1 ft. 12s. 6d. each.
The Burning of the Cloth Hall, 1915." A coloured print 14 in. by 12 in. 6d.,
post free 7d.
Hell Fire Corner," Heavy Artillery going into Action before Passchendaele,"
I won't." Engravings, 33 in. by 21 in. £1 us. 6d. each.
The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior." Coloured reproduction, 16 in. by 20 in.,
of a picture by Bernard Gribble. 10s. 6d.
"The Water Tower, Ypres, in March, 1916." By Arthur Speight, is.
A Corner in Flanders." Price 6d. Post free.
The Ypres League Map of the Salient. Showing the Battle Fronts and Trench Systems in
the Ypres Salient, specially prepared by Geographia," Ltd. Price 3s. net Paper,
post free 3s. 2d.
Michelin Maps of France and Belgium. 2s. post free.
The Journal may be obtained at the League Offices for 6d., post free 7d. Back
Numbers1924, 8d.others, 1/-. Members are urged to ask their friends to buy
a copy.
Published by The Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, Portman Square W. i, and Printed for the Publishers by
J Alexander Co.. n Northumberland Avenu;, Lotdon, W.C.a.