MILITARY CROSS-WORD PUZZLE. The Ypres Times. The prize, an etching of the Lille Gate (by Captain G. E. Butler) is awarded to Anonymous," Tuscarora Club, Lockport, New York, U.S.A., for the best Military Cross-word Puzzle, which we A prize is offered for the first correct solution opened on December 9th. 16. Imitates. publish in this issue. HORIZONTAL. i. Due to every soldier of the Great War. 6. The supreme contribu tion many soldiers made. 14. Loyalty. 20. Astonish. .22. Courage. 24. Refrain from inflicting harm. .25. The most famous "gate" of. the War. 26. Respects. 27. Cuttle fish. .28. TT.L. 29. Cores. 32. Figures of speech. 35. Adjectival suffix. 36. Permit. 38. Cries. 39. Loosen. 41. Summit. 42. The most popular spot in any English village for troops. 43. Indian tribe of Southern U.S.A. 44. Capable of being per formed. 46. What the average Bri tisher did in August, 1914. 48. Eggs. 49. Wounds. 52.. Revolves. 53. Sheltered. 54. Lay out. 56. Three-toed sloth. 57. Indian Army (abb.). 58. An article. 59. Forward. 60. Not out. 61. Norwegian (abb.). 62. Malayan dagger. 64. The most famous hill of the War. 65. Avenue (abb.). 67. Punched on a large num ber of identity discs. 68. Art (Latin). 69. A note in music. 71. Market. 74. Printing unit. 75. What the Crown Prince exhibited after Verdun. 79. What the thoughts of love-sick soldiers turned to. 80. In. 81. An organisation whose huts were at the bases. 82. Japanese singing girl. 83. First French word learned by soldiers (not Compris!). 84. Require. 86. Denial. 87. Worn out. 88. Fabulous bird of Arabia. 90. Hinder parts. 94. Seize. 98. .Something inert. 100. Disgrace. 102. Cruel. 104. A soldier's first word to a French girl. 105. Employ. 106. A river in Siberia. 107. Build. 108. Deceived. no. 100,000 rupees. in. An eastern state in U.S.A. (abb.). 112. .Swearing. 114. Doctrines of the Eoman Catholic Church. 116. The in French (fern.). 117. Resembling sprites. 119. Ungrateful. 123. Rowed. 125. Famous Italian sculptor of the 14 th century. 126. Folder. 127. Extensive plain. 128. The soldier's most fre quent habitation. 129. One of the most famous "Woods" in the Salient. 130. The most famous Com mander in the Salient. VERTICAL. 1. Hook (Zoöl). 2. The favourite food sup plied in estaminets. 3. Human being. 4. Chemical compound. 5. Class. 7. Notice on cellars in villages under fire. 8. A potent engineer officer. 9. Depression worn out by running water. 10. I have as it is usually spoken. 11. Transports over water. 12. Anger. 13. Sac or capsule (Zoöl). 15. A famous farmon the Yser Canal. 7. Fold. 18. Visited when on leave at Versailles. 19. Desirous. 21. The most famous chap lain in the Salient. 23. An unnatural accumula tion of serous fluid. 30. A sea fish. 31. Rebekali's eldest son. 33. A diversion at which the Australians excelled. 34. Spoil. 37. The most famous (if not favourite) beverage of the British Army. 39. Inner of the two bones of the forearm. 40. Augments. 42. Wrath. 45. Nuptial. 47. A famous village in the Salient, f 50. A famous town in N.E France. 51. Iniquity. 54. A famous castlein the Salient. 55. Owner. 63. Ravish. 66. A "place" visited when in Paris on leave. 70. Dry. 71. A famous woodin the Salient. 72. Chewed and swallowed. 73. A favourite resort near Ypresassociated with 21 Vertical. 75. A famous regiment (initials). 76. An exclamation. 77. Natrium (abb.). 78. A famous "action" in the Salient in 1914. 79. The most famous village in the Salient. 85. Unit of energy. 80. A Square in London. 90. Wild ox. 91. In any degree. 92. Measure spuds were purchased in France. 93. A dangerous occupation in the Salient. 95. Trouble. 96. Oblique. 97. A gentleman of the bull ring. 99. Stableman. 100. A private's first word to an officer. 101. Tavern. 103. River in Scotland. 106. A garment only obtain able before inspection by the G.O.C. 109. Comic. 112. Supernatural being. 113. An agricultural opera tion. 114. Cherishes. 115. A river famous during the Russo-Japanese War. 118. A Hun during 1914-18. 120. Born. 121. A famous branch of the Servicenow re-named 122. A river in Catalonia. 124. An engine of war for butting.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1925 | | pagina 28