The Ypres Times. 9 *NoTE.These figures do not include casualties among artillerymen of the Great Dominions, which in killed alone numbered over 7,500 of all ranks. London News Agency Photos Ltd. tribute to the services of the Royal Artillery in the Great War, mentioning that their casualties* amounted to 49,076Killed in action or died. 6,689Missing. 129,158Wounded. In conclusion he stated that those to whom the Memorial is dedicated died while upholding the spirit of the proud mottoes of their Regiment, Ubique," Quo fas et gloria ducunt," and finally, in slow resonant tones, recited the wordsTo future generations of the Royal Regiment cf Artillery, I say See to it ye that come after, That their names be not forgotten." Then, as the screening flags came fluttering to the ground those present could take in the details of the Memorialthe great stone image of Mother surmounting it, the first and only heavy howitzer possessed by the British Army at the outbreak of war, set aloft, a dumb witness of duty well done, in remembrance of those brave men who died round their guns, serving their King and Country and keeping untarnished the honour of their Regimentthe carved reliefs, vibrating with all a gunner's passion for his guns, showing incidents in the every-day life of the artilleryman in the line the four giant bronze figures placed round the plinth in the form of a crossat the head of it an officer, the far-away look on whose face and whose whole attitude show the firm concentrated power of the man who has learned his joband knows at one arm a gunner carrying ammunition, whose humanity in its gaunt rigidity seems almost to have become


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1926 | | pagina 11