Visit of H.H. Princess Helena Victoria to the Palladium, Wood Green. BRITISH MOTOR TOURS 116 Extracts from The Ypres Times Cinema Supplement. On Armistice Night H.H. Princess Helena Victoria visited the Wood Green Palladium, and wit nessed with keen interest the exhibition of the famous film Ypres." There were scenes of extra ordinary enthusiasm and large crowds assembled to see her arrival and departure. At the entrance Her Highness was received by Kathleen, Viscountess Falmouth, Vice-Chairman of the Appeal Com mittee, Lieut.-General Sir William Pulteney, Chairman of the Executive of the Ypres League, and Mr. Dudley Wynton, Director. In the vestibule a guard of honour was formed by local disabled members of the League who fought at Ypres, under Mr. E. Glover (Corresponding Member). Sir Robert Fielding, Col. S. Barry, Col. J. R. Maitland (Commanding 7th Bn. Middlesex Regt.), Captain H. R. F. Butterfield, Captain F. H. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Wynton, Mr. and Mrs. Elsmore and Mrs. Edwards had the honour of being presented to Her Highness. Introduced to the audience by Mr. Elsmore, Lieut.-General Sir William Pulteney, speaking from the stage, said that it was a great honour to address the audience before the showing of the film. Ypres would never be forgotten, and they would see a very vivid description of men who had shown devotion to duty and discipline in upholding the great traditions belonging to their King, their Country and the Empire. The members of the Ypres League had made up their minds to try and mould the present generation into as good stuff as it was hitherto, and he asked them to remember what the heroes of Ypres had brought to them in comfort in this life. They all knew that having a good time did not make a great nation. The example which had been set should be followed. There was just as good stuff in the country now as there was before the War. He asked them to take note of the song which would be introduced to themthe Wipers songwhich conveyed a great deal to them. It was not only a good tune, but a good song in every way. The Ypres League had helped hundreds of people out to the Salient and given them information which they could not have got but for the League. They had their own place in Ypres, and they had received thousands of letters in appreciation of what they had done in taking care of people who went out and in preventing them from being robbed. They hoped to continue that work in every way possible for many years to come. (Applause.) A little prologue to the film was most splendidly arranged. Just before the film was shown the curtain was drawn aside and in the centre of the stage stood Miss Violet Parker dressed as Britannia. She looked down the body of the hall where a tired, dishevelled Tommy (Mr. Arthur Tumpas) walked up. She beckoned him on the stage, and when he arrived there she saluted him with her sword. He then sang the song Wipers and put so much feeling into it, and rendered it so splendidly, that there was tremendous applause, the whole audience taking up the chorus. On Monday, Brig.-General Cunliffe-Owen, accompanied by Mrs. Cunliffe-O.ven and Mrs. Rayner, commanding Lord Ypres' Scouts, attended the Kinema on behalf of the League. On Tuesday, Captain Alliston spoke with his usual verve, and on Thursday night Colonel Browne, who is one of the League's best speakers. Mr. Elsmore, the able Manager, who has seen much service in the Salient, took very great pains to assist us. We desire to thank most heartily Mr. D. Wynton and the Directors of the Cinema, who not only allowed us to have a stall in the vestibule where we had large sales of souvenirs and songs, but sent us a very handsome donation and insisted on paying the entire expenses of the Guard of Honour of the Ypres survivors who were present, and also entertained them after the performance. We could not find better friends than the Directors and Manager who have since become members of the Ypres League. Copies of THE YPRES TIMES CINEMA SUPPLEMENT may be obtained on application to the Secre tary, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street; London Garage, Menin Gate, YPRES. London, W.l. (Price 6d. post free.) Tours daily round the Salient. British ex-Service Drivers. Moderate Terms.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1926 | | pagina 34