Informal Gatherings ANNUAL MEETING LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE The George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2. THURSDAY, 7th APRIL, 1927, THURSDAY, 5th MAY, 1927, THURSDAY, 2nd JUNE, 1927, LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE The George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2. THURSDAY, 7th APRIL, 1927, 176 The Ypres Times. The organiser, Mr. L. A. Weller, wishes to thank Mr. Schlienger for his splendid gift of ■chocolates, and to Mr. Boughev for his fine box •of cigarettes for the spot prizes. The help also rendered by Capt. Alliston, Capt. Davies, Mr. Copland, and other friends was in valuable, for which many thanks are due for their untiring efforts. DINNER AND DANCE. The London County Committee have an impor tant announcement which they wish to bring to the notice of members to the effect that on Thursday, the 28th of April, 1927, at the Manchester Hotel, Aldersgate Street, E.C.I, will be held the Third Annual Re-union Dinner and Dance at 7 for 7.30 p.m.the price of tickets being 6s. 6d. each. At the request of several members, the Committee have decided this year to have a dance following on after the dinner, and it is anticipated that this will add greatly to the success of the evening. May we have your support in order that there may be a record attendance The Committee will be grateful if you will not only secure a ticket, but also make the event as widely known as possible, for it is only by individual effort that success can be achieved. The chair will be taken by Colonel P. L- Ingpen, D.S.O. and the new Broadway Dance Band will be in attendance. Will those intending to be present kindly send early application (if possible not later than 23rd April) to the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, Portman Square, W.l, in order that the necessary arrangements may be made in good time. LONDON CONNTY COMMITTEE. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. The Annual Genera] Meeting of the members of the League in the London area, under the con trol of the Lor don County Committee, will be held at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.I (entrance through Devereux Court), on Thursday, the 7th day of April, 1927, at 7 p.m. The meeting is to receive the report of the London County Committee during the past year, to elect the London County Committee for the ensuing year, and to consider any suggestions brought forward for the extension of the work of the League in the London area. All members of the League in the London area are earnestly requested to attend and any suggestions for consideration should be sent to the Hon. Secretary of the London County Committee, at 9, Baker Street, Portman Square, W.l, prior to the date of the meeting. THE of the will be held at (Entrance through Devereux Court, and opposite Law Courts), on from 6.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. May we have the pleasure of your Company at the above Gatherings A hearty welcome awaits you and any friends you may wish to bring. An invitation will be sent to any friend by the Hon. Sec., London County Committee, on being supplied with the name and address. Ladies cordially invited. THE of the will be held at on at 7 p.m. ALL MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO ATTEND, and the London County Committee will be glad to receive any suggestions to further the objects of the League in the London area. These should be for warded to the Hon. .Sec., London County Committee, 9, Baker Street, W.i., prior to the date of the above Meeting.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1927 | | pagina 30