The Ypres Times. 209 Some suggestions were made by members pre sent as to extending the work in London, and to these the Committee gave careful consideration. Mr. C. Schlienger proposed a hearty vote of thanks, which was duly carried, to the Chairman of the London County Committee (Major E. Montague Jones, O.B.E.) for his valuable services during the past year, and mentioned that the Chairman was a very active member of the League, and expressed the wish that Major Montague Jones might be able to come along often to the Informal Gatherings, although, as everyone knew, he was a very busy man. Mr. C. Schlienger also pro posed a vote of thanks to the London County Committee for all their successful efforts during the past year, and expressed the hope that their endeavours during the present year would be met with the support of all members of the League and be as successful as those in the past. Major Montague Jones, in reply, thanked all members for the cordial vote of thanks passed both to himself and the other members of the London County Committee. In his remarks he mentioned that the work is a work of love and we all want to keep the League alive and bring its objects to others who may not be interested at the present time, and especially to bring the League to the notice of all ex-Service men. The spirit of comradeship was still needed, and it was by the Informal Gatherings, etc., that we got to know one another and new friendships were formed. Major Montague Jones also mentioned the Battle Book of Ypres shortly to be published, a copy of which he had gener ously presented to the London County Com mittee for use at the Informal Gatherings. In conclusion he again thanked the members present for the hearty vote of thanks and assured the meeting that the Committee would do their utmost to make the League in London a success, and urged all to do their very best to co-operate with them in their undertakings, especially at the Annual Smoking Concert to be held on Thursday, 20th October, 1927, at the Caxton Hall, Victoria Street, S.W. INFORMAL GATHERINGS. The closing Informal Gathering for the session was held on Thursday, the 2nd June, and the London County Committee, in reviewing the meetings held during the past three months since the last edition of The Ypres Times was published, have again to thank all members for their kind co-operation, not only in attending the gatherings themselves, but also in bringing along friends, and thus interesting others in the work of the League. A good number of strangers who have been brought to the meetings have become members, and the Committee are quite certain that it is only by individual and personal help of members that the Gatherings and also the London Branch can continue to extend and grow. The Gatherings have been very well attended, and the Committee can point to many friendships formed at them which they are sure will be life-long, and all are animated with the one desire to keep alive the old spirit of comradeship formed in the Salient. When one talks over some incident that happened in the Salient it invariably brings to the mind some pal who is not with us in the flesh, but in the spirit, and once more we fight the old battles over again and recall the old days spent together. The London County Committee have had vari ous proposals made to them to which they have given careful consideration. The Committee wish to thank many kind members who come regularly and do all they possibly can to help forward the work of the League in the London area. The Informal Gatherings will be renewed again in the autumn, and the Committee are hope ful for the continued support of all members, not only in attending themselves, but also in bring ing some friend in order that he may become interested in our work and again renew an old friendship made in the Salient. Further criticisms or suggestions which may help forward and make the Gatherings a greater success are invited. It is hoped that in the autumn it may be possible to have one or two talks on the Salient and also another illustrative talk. The Secretary will be glad to receive the names and addresses of any friends who may be interested, in order that a notice of the meetings may be sent to them in due course. A list of fixtures arranged for the autumn will appear in the next issue of The Ypres Times, and while thanking all for past support the Committee again appeal for your continued and increased help. The suggestion has been made that members may have some old maps or souvenirs which might be of interest to other members, and if any should possess them will they be kind enough to bring them along to the Gatherings in the autumn in order that they may be passed round SMOKING CONCERT. The Fifth Annual Smoking Concert organised by the London County Committee will be held at the Caxton Hall, Caxton Street, Victoria Street, S.W.I, on Thursday, 20th October, when an excellent programme will be given. The Com mittee are, at the present moment, considering the details for the concert, and full particulars will appear in the next issue of The Ypres Times. These annual concerts have been given splendid support in the past, and the Committee are con fident that they may rely upon London members and friends to rally round them again in order that another great success may be achieved. Will members, therefore, book the date fot this Annual Smoking Concert, and be sure to be present so that we may be able to announce a full hall Ladies are also invited.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1927 | | pagina 31