THE JUNIOR BRANCH. The Ypres Times. 19 In appealing for more members for the Junior Branch of the League, I feel that one ought to appeal in the first instance to their parents, and in the second to their school masters. First of all I appeal to those who were not in the Armyof course I refer to those who were unfit or were regarded as essential in their own workthe other specimens are hardly worth while appealing to. One so often hears men say-and I have had it said to me on several occasions when I have asked them to join the League Oh, for heaven's sake let's forget the rotten war." To these I say, forget the war—if you canyes, but do not forget those pals of yours who lie buried in the countless cemeteries of Flanders and France. Many parents, I am afraid, have this view. It may be that they do not want to encourage a feeling of hatred towards our late enemies, but surelv they can tell their children of the hundreds of thousands of their fellow countr3'men who gave their lives that England might be free, and point out what life in England would be to-day if they had not volunteered. Speaking to the boys and girls who are already members, I would beg of them to do all they can to get their friends to join (membership Is. per annum)and if possible to ask those in authority at their schools to try and get others to join. Speaking as a schoolmaster myself, I can assure them that they need not be nervous about doing this. Do not think of Ypres BELVEDERE SCHOOL (HOVE). Members of the J unior Division


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1928 | | pagina 21