THE MENIN GATE-A HYMN. The Ypres Times. 21 which animated him and his comrades at the fatal moment, and the value of what they purchased with their sacrifice. It is the intense insight of the poet revealing the essence of individual actions which gives this book its special value, so that one feels it to be almost a duty to send a copy to all one's friends to whom Ypres means bereavement. Re-reading the pages concerning the Second Battle I lose the sense of loss and waste, and feel once again the sense of pride and elation which, in spite of the terrific slaughter, one experienced daily at the sight of men enduring incredibly for a purpose we knew to be vital. The book is a great work and contains the qualities of a classic with a permanent life before it. Incidentally, it exactly fulfils the original object of the Ypres League, and every member may feel a little pride in his share in its production and in his association with a master of lucid English, inspired for the record of a Great Epic. Oh symbol of the Power o'er-shadowing. No boasting triumph with an archway spanned The road that passaged an immortal host The ramparts in supreme endurance manned. For right, triumphant through the scourge of war, Oh Majesty of God, we Thee adore! Oh wide-flung gate, fast held against the foe. Valour and sacrifice here barred the way The army of indomitable souls Is filing down an open road to-day. In Thy high service where the brave have trod Grant us to follow unafraid, Oh God. Oh, tragic road, with pain and glory paved, None treads this way, but he must pass between The muster of their close engraved names. Whose ashes earth has garnered all unseen. Because our love may tend no sacred sod Thy watch alone we plead for these. Oh God! Oh road, and gate, and archway word and sign Of memory—in hope more glorious they Call forth our souls to march that hallowed route And steadfast bear the standard till that day When Thou, Oh King and Captain call us home And, ranked once more with our beloved, we come Beatrix Brice. MEMBERSHIP OF THE LEAQUE. This is open to all who served in the Salient, and to all those whose relatives or friends died there, in order that they may have a record of that service for themselves and their descendants, and belong to the comradeship of men and women who understand and remember all that Ypres meant in suffering and endurance. I.ife membership. £2 10s. Annual members, 5s. Special charges are made to those who cannot afford the 5s. subscription. Do not let the fact of your not having served in the Salient deter you from joining the Ypres League. Those who have neither fought in the Salient nor lost relatives there, but who are in sympathy with the objects of the Vpres League, are admitted to its fellowship, but are not given scroll certificates. There is also a J unior Division to which children of those who served in the Salient, also those who svmpathise with our objects, have the right to belong Annual subscriptions Is. up to the age of 18. after which they can become Ordinary members of the League.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1928 | | pagina 23