30 The Ypres Times. done at the Gatherings, resulting in the enrol ment of new members. The Committee appreciate the interest taken in these Gatherings and desire to thank the many members of the League who attend regu larly and give of their best in the furtherance of its objects. It is not possible to mention names, but the Committee are aware that without these individual efforts the success of the Gatherings would not be achieved. The Committee take the opportunity of stating that the meetings are held on the first Thursday in every month at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 (opposite the Law Courts), and all members and friends of the League are welcomed. Those interested are asked to make the Gatherings as widely known as possible, for personal effort accomplishes far more than the sending out of circulars. There must be many ex-Service men living in or near London who would care to renew old friendships, and the Gatherings are a means to this end. Why not arrange to meet on one of the following dates Thursday, 5th January, 1928, Thursday, 25th February, 1928, and Thursday, 1st March, 1928, at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2. The Committee have the pleasure to announce that at the Gathering on Thursday, 5th J anuary, 1928, some members of Toe H have kindly arranged to be present and give a short programme. We sincerely hope for a good attendance on this date, so please do your best to come. At the Gathering on the 2nd of February, 1928, the programme will be supplied by members of the League, who are asked to bring songs, and on Thursday, 1st March, 1928, Major Montague Jones has kindly promised to come and give us another illustrated talk on Ypres." Will you kindly book these dates Ladies are cordially invited. The Committee are very grateful to Miss Muir and Mr. Carey for their kind gifts to be sold for the benefit of the funds. In conclusion, the London County Committee wish all members a very happy New Year and trust that 1928 may awaken a still deeper interest in the work of the League. We ask, not only for your support at these Gatherings, but for your help to further the spirit of comradeship, which it is their object to foster and maintain. The Hon. Secretary of the London County Committee will be glad to send an invitation to the Gatherings on being supplied with the name and address of any friend wishing to attend. CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY. By the time this issue of TnE Ypbbs Times is in the hands of members the Christmas season will be in full swing and the London County Com mittee wish to bring to the notice of all that on Saturday, the 14th January, 1928, at the Mary Ward Settlement(which has been kindly lent by' the Council Settlement), there will be held the Fourth Annual Children's Christmas Party, which is organised by the London Committee, The Party Will commence at 4 p.m., and is open to all members of the Junior Division free, to whom invitations have already been issued. A limited number of friends will be admitted at the charge of 6d. each. Those wishing to be present should apply for tickets not later than the 12th January, 1928, as the arrangements for the Party entail a good deal of preparation. Once again a Christmas tree will be the central feature of the programme, and the London County Committee appeal very earnestly for gifts of toys and donations, which will be gratefully received by the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, Ypres League, at 9, Baker Street, W.i. The Committee would like to remind members that the Party is perhaps the only one enjoyed by some of the children present during the whole Christmas season. As some are children of fathers who made the supreme sacrifice, the Com mittee are anxious to do all they can to give them a few hours' pleasure. Letters have been received from those who have previously attended asking if they may come again and enjoy another happy gathering. This can only be made possible by the kind help of members and friends of the League. The Committee trust that all will show an interest in this undertaking, which has for its particular object the strengthening of the Junior Division. THE POPLAR TOWN HALL DANCE. The London County Committee beg to announce that, by request of several friends, another Dance will be held this year at the Poplar Town Hall. The last one was a great success, due to the untiring efforts of Mr. L. A. Weller. The forthcoming Annual Dance will take place at the Poplar Town Hall, Newby Place, Poplar, E., on Thursday, 23rd February, 1928, at 7.30 p.m. sharp, until 11 p.m. The Grigg-Jarvo Dance Band will be in attendance during the evening, and all are urged to give this date a prominent place in next year's fixtures. We hope that members will help all they can on this occasion, not only by attending themselves, but also by advertising and making the Dance as widely known to friends as possible, for it is only by personal effort that the event can be made a success. If you cannot dance, never mind, come and join the merry throng and listen to the band; you will enjoy it. In any case, please buy a ticket and help the funds by your kind support. Tickets may be obtained (price is. 6d. each) from Mr. L. A. Weller, 121, Mellish Street, Millwall, E-14, or from the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, W. 1 The London County Committee desire to express their very grateful thanks to Mr. L. A. Weller, who has again undertaken the arrangements for the evening. The Poplar Town Hall is quite close to Poplar Station (old North London Line), and easily reached by bus or tram from Aldgate, via Com mercial Road, alighting at Poplar Railway Station.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1928 | | pagina 32