The Ypres Times. 61 The League is desirous that the membership of the Junior Division should be substantially in creased and would point out that it is open to the children of those who served in the Ypres Salient. The Annual subscription is Is. up to the age of eighteen, after which they can become ordinary members of the League. THE POPLAR TOWN HALL DANCE. A dance organised by the London County Com mittee was held at the Poplar Town Hall on February 23rd, 1928. An excellent musical programme was rendered by the Grigg J arvo Band, the whole entertainment being under the direction of Mr. E. Lavers, the M.C. Excitement was intense during the lucky spot dance, the ladies' prize consisting of a box of chocolates which was won by Miss Harris, of Walthamstow, a box of cigarettes for the gentle men being won by Mr. Latham, of Homerton. Our best thanks are due to Messrs. C. Schlienger and J. tioughey for the prizes, which were pre sented to the winners by Capt. C. Alliston. It is interesting to note that Mr. Latham, winner of the men's prize, became a member of the League during the evening. After an enjoyable time the dance terminated at 11 p.m. The London County Committee and all in terested in the work of the League in the London area express their grateful thanks to Mr. L. A. tVeller for his kindness in organising the dance, and also for his valuable work in connection with the Informal Gatherings. FOURTH ANNUAL DINNER AND DANCE. The London County Committee hope that all members of the League will give their hearty support to the Fourth Annual Reunion Dinner and Dance organised by the Committee, which will be held at the Manchester Hotel, Aldersgate Street, E.C.I, at 7 p.m. for 7.30 p.m., on Thurs day, the 3rd of May, 1928. The chair will be taken by Lieut.-General Sir H. Uniacke, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. Tickets price 6s. 6d. each. The London County Committee ask for your valued support, as it is only with your help that the evening can be a success. We should like to have a full hall, and the Committee will be very grateful if you will secure a ticket for your self and advertise the event as widely as possible. The new Broadway Dance Band will be in attendance and Mr. G. Hubbard has very kindly offered to render songs from his repertoire during the evening. The Committee will be glad if those intending to be present will kindly make early application, if possible, not later than April 28th, to the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, 9, Baker Street, Portman Square, W.l. INFORMAL QATHERINQS. That interest in the Informal Gatherings which the London County Committee hold every month is well maintained, the increased attendance at those held so far during the present season bears ample witness, and the Committee tender grateful thanks to their many kind friends for their support. Many friendships have been formed at these reunions, which goes to prove that com radeship is something more than a name only. At nearly every meeting those who have fought in the same regiment are brought into personal contact, a link is established and friendly relations quickly follow. On January the 5th, members of Toe H. gave us a very enjoyable evening. We welcome this opportunity of expressing our thanks for their entertainment and hope that we may have the pleasure of hearing them again on a future occa sion. At the meeting on the 1st of March, Major E. Montague Jones, O.B.E. (Chairman, of the- London County Committee) gave one of his very interesting talks on the Salient. We look forward to hearing more of his experiences in the future. (In this connection it has been suggested that other members of the League might care to give some of their war experiences. Will those who are willing to do so kindly communicate with the Secretary, who will make the necessary arrangements At the end of the talk Mrs. Heap and her friends gave an excellent musical programme, which was greatly appreciated by the audience. This particular gathering was honoured by the presence of Lieut. Michael O'Leary, V.C. The Committee would be glad if members would make these gatherings known to their regimental friends or else forward to us their names and addresses, and we will send them an invitation. The dates of the gatherings for the next quarter are as follows -Thursday, 12th AprilThurs day, 10th May and Thursday, 7th J une at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 (opposite the main entrance to the Law Courts), from 6.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. A piano is always available and any help in the way of songs, etc., will be appreciated. Perhaps some member would be willing to under take the programme for one evening; if so, will he kindly communicate with us In conclusion, the London County Committee welcome any suggestions or criticisms in order to make these gatherings a closer bond of friend ship and comradeship amongst those who fought together in the defence of Ypres. THE PULL THROUOH. Just one long pull A straight long pull No other pull will do A man must never take two pulls To pull the pull-through through.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1928 | | pagina 33