92 THE YPRES TIMES Weller, who replied on behalf of the re-elected members, expressed thanks for re-ele tion and stated that he was sure that those members who were on the Committee would do all they could to further the work of the League in London during the present year. Two or three sug gestions were made by members and these are receiving the careful consideration of the Committee. Mr. C. Schlienger, who is a very keen and valued supporter of the League in London, proposed a hearty vote of thanks, which was carried unanimously, to the Chairman of the London County Committee (Major E. Montague Jones, O.B.E.) for his valuable services to the League during the past year. Mr. Schlienger stated that the success of the London County Committee was largely due to the Chairman who, though he was a very busy man, gave of his best to the work of the League in London. The task of Chairman was not an easy one, but in Major Montague Jones they had a very excellent Chairman and the successes achieved were due to his personality and his eagerness to further the cause and good work of the League. In proposing a hearty vote of thanks to the London County Committee, Mr. Schlienger said that through their untiring efforts many were enabled to spend a few moments in an atmosphere which took them back into the past and made them feel twelve or thirteen years younger. The resolutions were seconded by Mr. Ford and carried with acclamation. Mr. Furner replied to the resolution on behalf of the Committee and thanked Mr. Schlienger for his very kind words both in regard to the Chairman and other members of the Committee. He assured the meeting that the London County Committee would do everything in their power to promote the objects in which all were interested and they were confident of the whole hearted support of London members. Capt. Alliston (Chairman of the Meeting) thanked the members for their kindness in coming to the meeting and read a letter from Major Montague Jones regretting his inability to attend owing to the fact that he was in Ypres. Capt. Alliston urged those present to do their very best to co-operate with the Com mittee in their undertakings especially at the Annual Smoking Concert to be held on Thursday, October 18th, 1928, at the Caxton Hall, Victoria Street, S.W.i. INFORMAL GATHERINGS. The last Informal Gathering for this season was held on Thursday, June 7th, when a very happy evening was spent by all members and friends present. The Committee in reviewing the meetings held during the past three months desire to record their grateful thanks to all members and friends who have attended so regularly and done all they possibly could to make these gatherings such a success. The meetings, which are held every month, form a bond of comradeship between members and the Committee are confident that the welfare of the League is being promoted thereby. The London County Committee are only concerned with the London area, but through these gatherings many have been brought into the League who have soon learnt the spirit of comradeship and have eventually become members. For this achievement the Committee extend to all their warmest thanks. The gatherings during the last quarter have been well attended and the Committee are very glad to note the friendliness that exists between members who foregather, for it is the Committee's object and desire to revive amongst ex-service men that spirit of fellowship which existed during the sterner days of the war. We meet to talk over old times when we fought together in different battalions in the Salient, not forgetting old pals no longer with us, but whose friendship in those far-off days we are glad to recall. The London County Committee have given very careful consideration to the gatherings, which will be continued in October next for the coming season, and have recommended the formation of a Sub-Committee to be known as the Entertainment Committee," composed of some of the most energetic members who attend the gatherings. This Sub-Committee will meet for the purpose of arranging forth coming gatherings, and it is hoped that all will give it hearty support. Any suggestions which it is desired to bring forward should be sent to the Honorary Secretary, London County Committee, 9, Baker Street, W.i. The Com mittee anticipate again the kind interest and support of all members shown not only by attending themselves, but by bringing a friend with them who will become interested in our work. The Society will be glad to send an invitation to any friend on being supplied with the name and address. In conclusion, the Committee desire to record their very grateful thanks to Commander H. M. Denny, D.S.O., R.N., of the Navy League, who came on May 10th and gave a very interesting talk on Naval Duties in Peace and War," and we hope to have the pleasure of seeing him on a future occasion. We would also express our warmest thanks to Mrs. Heap and her kind friends who have helped us so admirably during the past season. Among these we would single out for special mention Mr. Cecil Skillen, whose baritone songs are greatly appreciated by all, and Miss Eunice Zelger, who so kindly accompanies at the piano. At the Gathering on June 7th we again heard Mr. P. Hubbart, who thrilled us with his songs at the Annual Dinner, and Mrs. Furner, who accompanied them so admirably. We look forward to a very successful season when we re-open and rely upon your individual help to attain this object. At the request of many male members of the League the Committee have arranged for a


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1928 | | pagina 30