THE YPRES TIMES 93 Dug-Out evening on Thursday, July 5th, 1928, at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 (opposite main entrance to Law Courts), at 7 p.m. This gathering will be confined to male members of the League and ex-Service men, and will be in the nature of a social evening. It is hoped that as many as possible will turn up on this occasion and if it proves a success similar gatherings will be arranged later. THE ANNUAL DINNER. These notes of the London County Committee's activities would not be complete without a report of the Annual Dinner held on May 3rd at the Manchester Hotel, Aldersgate Street, E.C., when one of the most successful dinners organized by the Committee took place, the numbers exceeding those of the previous year. The members and their friends were received in the reception-room and lounge by Lieut.- General Sir H. Uniacke, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., who took the chair, and the Committee desire to express their gratitude to General Uniacke for his kind interest and help not only on this occasion, but many times in the past. Grace was said by the Rev. George H. Colbeck, C.F. The New Broadway Dance Band was again in attendance and rendered popular classics during the dinner and dance numbers afterwards. Mr. P. Hubbart kindly came and gave us some songs from his repertoire in a voice which charmed his audience. We are very grateful to Mr. Hubbart and hope we may have the pleasure of listening to him again later on. The toast of The King was proposed by the Chairman, followed by the singing of the National Anthem. In proposing the toast of the London County Committee the Chairman referred to the work done by them during the past year and appealed to all present to support them in their activities. It was a great pleasure to be present on this occasion and he hoped that the interest shown in the League would continue and that all would do their utmost to promote the cause they had so much at heart. The toast was received with enthusiasm. Major Montague Jones, O.B.E. (Chairman of the London County Committee) replying, gave an interesting account of the Committee's achievements during the past year and urged all to help forward the work of the League in the London area. Major Montague Jones proposed the toast of The Chairman," which was received with acclamation. General Uniacke, he said, had done a great deal for the League and the London County Committee, and all were grateful to him for so kindly supporting them on many occasions. They hoped they would often see him presiding at future gatherings. General Uniacke in reply said that he was very pleased to preside that evening at the Dinner and hoped he would be able to forward the work of the Committee on many future occasions. He congratulated them on the excellent attendance and wished them success in their efforts to promote the welfare of the League. After the Dinner the company adjourned for dancing, which was kept up until a late hour. HYDE PARK REVIEW, MAY 19th, 1928. The parade in Hyde Park was organized by the League of the Empire and proved a picturesque ceremony despite the heavy rain which fell during the greater part of the after noon. About nine thousand young people and veterans of the Army were present on parade, all being gathered under the flags of the different parts of the Empire. H.R.H. the Duke of York, who was in naval uniform, took the salute, and the whole parade was under the command of Lieut.-General Sir H. Uniacke, K.C.B., K.C.M.G. The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, the Mayors of various London Boroughs, and many overseas representatives also witnessed the ceremony. The Duke, accompanied by General Uniacke, spent some time inspecting the various units and spoke to many present. The Ypres League contingent was formed in the same column as the Legion of Frontiersmen, and the whole was under the command of Major E. B. Waggett, D.S.O. (Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee). The Ypres League sections were under the command of Colonel W. Ranson, D.S.O., F.R.C.S., and Capt. W. Castello, and it was a great honour to have with us Lieut. Michael O'Leary, V.C., to whom we desire to express our thanks for coming. Amongst other officers present in the League's party were Major Go.dard, Major Nias, Capt. Dade, Lieuts. Hayes, Russell and Valle, etc. The organization of the whole parade was under the personal direction of Major Montague Jones, O.B.E. (Chairman of the London County Committee), who is to be highly congratulated on the very satisfactory way in which all the arrangements were carried out. Capt. Alliston, Capt. F. H. Davies, Major Cardinal Harford, and Capt. G. E. de Trafford, attached to Head quarters, all worked very hard. After the inspection the Duke returned to the saluting base, where the ceremony was performed of paying an act of homage to the King, the whole column with flags advanced in review order, the Royal Salute was given and hearty cheers for King and Empire went up from the crowds assembled.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1928 | | pagina 31