Church of St. George9 Ypres. Memorial Celebration at the Menin Gate in Honour of the British Dead. 148 THE YPRES TIMES THE Church is now nearing completion, the roof is on, windows in, heating has commenced in order that the walls may be sufficiently dry preparatory to some of the interior decorations. The gifts to the Church have been very numerous and very generous, the memorials are in every way worthy and beautiful; a printed list of these gifts can be obtained on application to the Hon. Secretary, Ypres Memorial Church, 9, Baker Street, London. The Church will be consecrated on Palm Sunday, March 24th, 1929; it is hoped that all who can do so will endeavour to attend thi^ opening ceremony, and further take an interest in the British Settlement that is being built up there. The Ypres League is conducting a special party of pilgrims for this occasion; they are all poor relatives of the missing whose names appear on the Tyne Cot and Menin Gate Memorials, they will be taken over free of charge and paid for by the Pilgrimage Fund which was subscribed to in reply to Field-Marshal Lord Plumer's broadcast appeal in July, 1927. The School is finished, the Chaplain's Residence well in hand, and the founda tion work of the Pilgrims' Rest Room has been commenced. It is impossible not to be interested in the Church and its Memorials; they represent many units and many individuals. All this work has been under the personal care of Sir Reginald Blomfield, R.A. It was found necessary to have the whole scheme under one man's supervision, and although it was not possible to meet the views of everyone, I am sure that the result, when seen, will vindicate the choice of the Committee and congratulate Sir Reginald Blomfield on what he has achieved; the dignity of the whole building leaves nothing to be desired. W. P. Pulteney, Lieutenant-General. On opposite page is shown the Memorial Window presented to the Church of St. George, Ypres, by the 3rd Corps (4th and 6th Divisions). (Translated from the French.) THIS year (1928), from July the 1st until September the 30th, every evening at half-past eight three buglers from the Fire Brigade have sounded the Last Post" in honour of the British dead and missing." A quiet and thoughtful crowd has stood shoulder to shoulder beneath the monument to keep the one minute's silence. On Sunday, September the 30th, the ceremony was performed for the last time this season. On that occasion Monsieur P. Vandenbraambusche, Commissioner of the Ypres Police, who instituted the ceremony, organized a memorial celebration by inviting all the ex-Service men's associations to take part in rendering tribute to their brothers-in-arms. The members of these associations, with their flags, took


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1929 | | pagina 22