League Secretary's Notes. 154 THE YPRES TIMES TO OUR NEW MEMBERS. It is a great pleasure to welcome our new members who have joined since the last October edition of the Ypres Times, and I urge you to do your best in 1929 to come to our support in recruiting new members, because all those who served in the Ypres Salient and those who had relatives who fought and died in its defence should join the League. I hope that you find the Ypres Times of interest. As time goes on greater difficulty is experienced in obtaining suitable articles on the war on the Western Front, and the Editor depends entirely on members to submit contri butions. Many of you kept diaries during the war and can perhaps remember numerous episodes from your varied experiences in the line. The Editor would be most grateful for any MSS which you are kind enough to send. I shall be very glad to hear from you from time to time, and I always value a personal call at Headquarters should any of you find yourselves in London and have time to spare. Do not be afraid to ask for literature of the League for distribution among your ex-service relatives and friends. With best wishes to you all for 1929 and every success to your good endeavours in promoting the objects of the League whenever the oppor tunity arises. TO BRANCHES AND CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. I have pleasure in wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New Year, and I should like to thank you for the help you have so generously given during the old year. Recruit ing of new members has been satisfactory. My special thanks are due to Colonel J. G. Henderson (Kenya), Mr. W. H. Duncan Arthur (Congleton), Mr. L. E. P. Foot (Conn.), Capt. H. Maslin (New York City), Capt. P. W. Burgess (Madrid), Capt. Dudley Bartlett, Capt. Stuart Oswald (Amiens), and to Mr. W. S. Hook (Yeovil). Mr. Hook has now left Yeovil and I am very grateful for his kind offer to continue to act as corresponding member at his new headquarters at Bristol. I wish him every success. In our last October edition of the Ypres Times we were looking forward to further expansion in Canada, and I am glad to report that a very active branch has been inaugurated at Magog, Quebec, by members of the First Company Canadian Rangers. The following officers have been appointed:President, Mr. James Trew Secretary, Mr. E. KingslandTreasurer, Mr. Joseph Ewart. An extract from the Sherbrooke Daily Record, reprinted on page 150, entitled A Hint to Dominions," shows the splendid enthusiasm of the Committee of the Magog Branch, and I should like to see every country follow a similar course through the columns of their own press and so uphold the main object of the League, which is to keep alive the heroic deeds and sacrifices of the Great War. There are now good prospects of forming a branch at Las Palmas through the kindness of our corresponding member, Mr. W. C. Pritchard, and I expect to have the opportunity to say more about it in the next April number of the Ypres Times. Our Travel Bureau has been exceedingly active in 1928. The pilgrimages were detailed in the October edition, so there is no need for repetition. It is satisfactory to know that large numbers of pilgrims, especially the assisted cases, have joined as members of the League. My grateful thanks are due to Capt. Parminter at Ypres and to Capt. Stuart Oswald at Amiens for the invaluable assistance and great part they have taken in making our pilgrimages such a success. I am sure that 1929 will prove an equally successful year, for many will be anxious to visit the Ypres Salient and also see the completion of the British Church of St. George at Ypres. The consecration of this church is to take place on Palm Sunday, when we are con ducting a free pilgrimage of poor mothers and wives whose sons and husbands are among the missing and whose names are inscribed on the Menin Gate and Tyne Cot Memorials. During the past quarter we have had a very welcome visit from Mr. and Mrs. L. E. P. Foot. Mr. Foot is doing such valuable work in promoting the objects of the League in Hartford, U.S.A., and I am delighted to have had the pleasure of making his acquaintance, and think him most kind to have spared the time to call at Headquarters during his brief stay in London. Grateful thanks are due to the London County Committee for their many successful activities throughout the year. The informal gatherings are now more popular than ever and thoroughly enjoyed by those who are able to attend. The annual Smoking Concert on October 18th was a record reunion, full description of which will be found on page 146. The Ypres Day Anniversary was held with the simple dignity of past years. The ceremony is described in the opening article of this number. The presence of Field-Marshal Lord Plumer at our reunion concert, and also at the Cenotaph, was a very great pleasure to us all. His close interest in the work of the League is immensely appreciated and valued. I conclude by offering you my renewed good wishes for 1929, meanwhile we are anxious to hear more favourable reports of the King's health, and pray that His Majesty may com pletely recover from his serious illness.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1929 | | pagina 28