Informal Gatherings ANNUAL MEETING LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE The George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE The George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1929 THE. YPRES TIMES 187 THE of the will be held at (Entrance opposite Law Courts) on THURSDAY, APRIL Uth, 1929 THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1929 THURSDAY, JUNE 6th, 1929 from 7 to 10 p.m. We are expecting you and a friend at the above Gatherings. A hearty welcome awaits you and any ex-service friends you may wish to bring. An invitation will be sent to any friend by the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, on being supplied with the name and address. Ladies cordially invited. THE of the will be held at on at 7.30 p.m. ALL MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO ATTEND and the London County Committee will be glad to receive any suggestions to further the objects of the League in the London area. These should be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, 9, Baker Street, W.i., prior to the date of the above meeting. THE LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE. INFORMAL GATHERINGS. The London County Committee are pleased to report larger attendances at the Informal Gatherings during the past three months, and wish to thank members and friends for their kind help and support they have given to the cause. One of the objects is to promote the spirit of comradeship which is very evident at these meetings. Men of different regiments meet, and, as one member rightly said, We all belong to one as we were all in the good old Salient." At the January gathering Mrs. Heap and her friends gave us an excellent programme. She is always ready to help us on every possible occasion, and the Committee desire to place on record the great appreciation of her help and many kindnesses. Mr. Hulbert and his friends kindly gave us a very enjoyable evening at our February meeting, and we are much indebted to them also for their support. On March 7th Major Montague Jones, O.B.E. (Chairman of the London County Committee) gave us one of his very interesting talks on the Salient, which was followed with keen interest by all present. Mrs. Heap and her friends concluded the very successful evening with musical items. At this gathering we were honoured by the presence of Lieut. Michael O'Leary, V.C. The Committee wish to offer their grateful thanks to Mrs. Turner for her assistance at the piano at the Informal Gatherings. Members are asked to make the monthly gatherings known amongst their regimental friends or forward names and addresses and we will send them special invitations. We give notice to the following gatherings April nth. May 2nd, June 6th at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2.7 p.m. to xo p.m. This article might catch the eye of some member who would be willing to arrange a programme at some future gatheringwe should indeed welcome such help. Any sug gestions will be appreciated in order to strengthen the interest of members, and we trust that these informal evenings will create a closer friendship amongst those who fought in the defence of Ypres.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1929 | | pagina 31