2o6 THE YPRES TIMES courtyard. The Colour-hearer (Lieut. Michael O'Leary, V.C.), and Escort (Cadet Sergt.-Major Stokes and Cadet Sergt. Davies, of the St. Alban's School O.T.C., representing the Junior Division), were posted in front of the centre of the line; they were supported by C.S.M. Argent. A fitting background was provided by the flags of the Empire, carried by cadets of St. Alban's School O.T.C., under Capt. B. Astley. Most of the other units also attending the League of Empire parade arrived in time to line the court yard, and witnessed the presentation. PhotoTopical Press Arency CONSECRATION OF COLOURS BY RF.V. G. H. WOOLLEY, V.C., M.C. On the Right, Lord and Lady Plumer. On the arrival of Lord and Lady Plumer, the Rev. G. H. Woolley, V.C., M.C., who was the first Territorial officer to gain the Victoria Cross in the Great War, consecrated the Colours in a few appropriate words. The Colour-bearer then knelt to receive the Flag from the hands of Lady Plumer. After the presentation, Field-Marshal Lord Plumer, addressing the parade, said that he would confine his remarks to the subject of the Colours they had just had presented to them. He felt sure that everyone present on parade would join with him in expressing his thanks to Sir Charles Wakefield for so generously giving this beautiful Flag. They would always feel very proud indeed to possess it, for it would be for them a symbol and a reminder of that magnificent defence of Ypres carried on by British soldiers under the most terrible conditions and at tremendous


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1929 | | pagina 16