Informal Gatherings SMOKING CONCERT LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE Thursday, October 24th 1929 Annual General Meeting. Membership of the League. 2l6 THE YPRES TIMES At the express desire of some of our members we are, this year, continuing the Gatherings during the summer months as follows of the will be held at The George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 (Entrance opposite Law Courts) on THURSDAY, July 4th, 1929. (Programme by Anon.") "THURSDAY, August 1st, 1929. This fixture will depend on the numbers attending the July gathering. THURSDAY, September 5th, 1929. (Programme arranged by Mrs. Cameron.) From 7 to 10 p.m. Have we had the pleasure of seeing you and a friend at one of our Gatherings A hearty welcome awaits you and any ex-service friends you may bring. An invitation will be sent to any friend by the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, on being supplied with the name and address. Ladies cordially invited. Will you give us your support PLEASE BOOK THIS DATE. THE SEVENTH ANNUAL (Organized by the London County Committee) will be held on Members are asked to keep this date free in order to give us their kind support. Full particulars will appear in the next October issue of the Ypres Times. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE YPRES LEAGUE (INCORPORATED) WILL BE HELD AT 9, BAKER STREET, PORTMAN SQUARE, LONDON, W.x, ON FRIDAY, JULY 12th, 1929, AT 6 p.m. This is open to all who served in the Salient, and to all those whose relatives or friends died there, in order that they may have a record of that service for themselves and their descendants, and belong to the comradeship of men and women who understand and remember all that Ypres meant in suffering and endurance. Life membership, £z ios. Annual members, 5s. Do not let the fact of your not having served in the Salient deter you from joining the Ypres League. Those who have neither fought in the Salient nor lost relatives there, but who are in sympathy with the objects of the Ypres League, are admitted to its fellowship, but are not given scroll certificates. There is a Junior Division for children whose relatives served in the Salient. It is open also to others to whom our objects appeal. Annual subscription is. up to the age of 18, after which they can become ordinary members of the League.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1929 | | pagina 26