during 1929, and we record the pilgrimages in
tabulated form.
March 23-25 Consecration of
British Church Ypres
March 30
April 2 Easter Ypres
May 18-20 South Wales Borderers Ypres
May 18-20 Whitsuntide Ypres
May 18-21 Free Pilgrimage Somme
July 6-8 Free Pilgrimage Ypres
Aug. 3-6 Bank Holiday Ypres
Independent travel has also been very
satisfactory. Tours have been arranged cover
ing-the whole of the Western Front. Our week
end trip to Ostend, only started this year, has
met with considerable success, and should
prove popular in 1930.
The League has defrayed the entire cost of
seventy poor pilgrims to the cemeteries and
memorials in the Ypres Salient, and on the
Somme during 1929, and it is our earnest wish
to continue this good work so long as funds
New members keep coming in steadily, but
we call upon our Branches and Corresponding
Members to make still greater efforts in their
devotion to recruiting. Special enthusiasm is
noted from the Colonies and U.S.A., where
much publicity has been given through the
local press.
Capt. R. Henderson-Bland, one of our Cor
responding Members in U.S.A., is now on a visit
to London and we very much appreciated his
kind call at Headquarters, and hope we may
have the pleasure of seeing him again before
long. Mrs. Briggs, our Corresponding Member
for Broadstairs has also been kind enough to
favour us with a visit.
1930 is the tenth anniversary year of the
Ypres League, and we are determined to make
it a record recruiting year, but in order to
achieve this aim we must have the co-operation
of every member of the League.
To the Editor, The Ypres Times."
Dear Sir,
It may be of interest to readers of The Ypres
Times to know that on the Retreatin
August, 1914, I posted a letter to my wife in
a French letter-box thinking that it would be
cleared before the place was captured by the
Germans. The letter safely reached its destina
tion in November, 1918, the envelope bearing
the following remarks, Recaptured in re-
occupied territory."
A. E. Hickford,
Member of the Ypres League.
Members are cordially invited during their
stay at Ypres to visit our Headquarters at No.
19, Rue Surmont de Volsberghe, where they
will receive a hearty welcome from our repre
sentative (Captain P. D. Parminter).
Arrangements are made by the Ypres League
to place wreaths for relatives on the graves of
British soldiers situated in France and Belgium
at the following times of the year
The wreaths may be composed of natural
flowers, laurel or holly, and can be bought at
the following prices12s. 6d., 15s. 6d., and 20s.,
according to the size and quality of the wreath.
The above prices include placing on the grave
and one unmounted photograph and negative,
post card size, which will be sent to the relative,
showing the wreath in position. For wreaths
placed at the request of relatives on special
dates, other than Easter, Armistice Day and
Christmas, an extra charge will be necessary,
according to the location of the grave.
The Ypres League has made arrangements
whereby it is able to supply photographs (nega
tive, and one print, post card size, unmounted)
of graves situated in the Ypres Salient, and in
the Hazebrouck and Armentières areas, at the
price of 1 os. each. Prices for photographs
taken in the Somme area may be obtained on
All applications for photographs should be sent
to the Secretary, together with remittance, giving
the regimental particulars of the soldier, name of
cemetery, and number of plot, row and grave.
Plaster models of the Demarcation Stone can
be supplied from Head Office.
All members are aware that 240 granite
demarcation stones stretch from the Swiss
border to the sea, marking the extreme line of
advance of the German invasion.
The model, which is 6 inches in height, may
be used for a paperweight or as an ornament.
Price 5s., post free, in United Kingdom.
Applications to the Secretary, Ypres League.
7, Rue Porte-Paris, Amiens (Somme), FRANCE.
(ypres league representative)
Private Motor Cars. Moderate Rates.
Cemeteries. Battlefields. General Tourinc.
Photographs. Wreaths Placed.
Ex-Service Driver-Guides.
Telegrams Stars, Amiens."