Branch Notes. 250 THE YPRES TIMES LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE. INFORMAL GATHERINGS. We have again recommenced the Monthly Informal Gatherings which will be continued until June. To those who may not be familiar with these meetings it may be mentioned that they are held nearly always on the first Thursday in the month, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 (opposite the main entrance to the Law Courts) The object of the gatherings is to promote the spirit of comradeship and to bring the members together in order to further the interests of the League. The meetings form the Parade groundwhere members have the opportunity to talk over old times and bring back memories and faces of those whom we have forgotten. We may not have had the pleasure to see you at a gathering, if so, will you keep one of the dates open We shall be glad to see you and also any friend whom you may wish to bring. The gatherings were very successful last season and we hope that we shall have increased demand for them in the future, and the Honorary Secretary, will be very glad to receive the name of anyone interested with whom you come in contact. On October 3rd we shall have the pleasure of a programme arranged by Mrs. Heap, to whom grateful thanks are due for the invaluable help she has given in the past. On November 7th our old friend Mr. Hubbart is organizing the entertainment and judging by the excellent talent he collected last year we. look forward to a full house." We gladly welcome our friends of Toe H on December 5th, and we may be assured of a very good programme. Commander Denny, Secre tary of the Naval League, has again kindly consented to give us a talk on January 2nd, his subject being The Reduction of Arma ments and Freedom of the Seas." There are still a few dates open for which pro grammes are required, and we appeal to volunteers to come forward and help. It has been suggested that some of our members would like to give a talk on their army life and it would be a great interest if they could be persuaded to do so. The London County Committee take this opportunity in thanking all members for their loyal assistance during the past year and again request your valued support. Lastly, we urge the importance of recruiting. We feel that every London member should introduce at least one friend to the membership of the League during the season, and we should soon have another battalion strong. We hope that this matter will receive your serious con sideration and trust that you may give us your hearty support which will be very gratefully appreciated by the London County Committee. ANNUAL SMOKING CONCERT. The month of October brings the most important activity of the London County Com mittee, namely, the Seventh Annual Reunion Smoking Concert, which takes place on Thurs day, October 24th, 1929, at the Caxton Hall, Caxton Street, Victoria, S.W.i. The chair will be taken by Field-Marshal The Viscount Plumer of Messines, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., G.B.E., supported by General Sir Charles C. Monro, Bt„ G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G. Among the guests who have already accepted invitations to be present areThe Viscountess Plumer Colonel H. Nerincx, Military Attaché, Belgian EmbassyMajor Gailliard, Assistant Military Attaché, French Embassy and Alder man Sir Charles Wakefield, Bt. It is also anticipated that His Excellency the Belgian Ambassador will be present. Doors will open at 7 p.m., and the concert commences at 7.30 p.m. The programme will be given by the Roosters," who have been specially engaged for the evening. They are well known to wireless friends and the majority were members of the 60th Divisional Concert Party. The programme will include several items of army interest which will appeal to their audience. Last year we had a very large gathering and it is anticipated that there will be another record, but this is only possible with full support, and we ask everyone to do their utmost to make the reunion widely known. The Committee appeals to members to contribute their share by not only being present themselves, but also by bringing a friend. Members are requested to apply for tickets early (prices 1 /-, 2/6, and 5/-). Ladies are specially invited. Applications, accompanied by remittance, should be addressed to Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, London, W.i. Owing to the great number present last year we were unable to provide tables, but this year we have


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1929 | | pagina 30