THE YPRES TIMES 231 quite knew which was our front and which was our rear. Happily, the enemy was equally puzzled. The 18th Hussars, on the right of the wood, were having a bad time as the 4th Dragoon Guards came up in mounted formation through the wood to support them. Infantry reserves aiding in the operation had lost their officers, headquarters being captured. Hence the experience of Fetherstonehaugh, who rode straight into the hornets' nest. Presently it was learned that the enemy was working round to our flank. To check this the 9th Lancers came up. Heavy shell fire tore them in twain, but in spite of this the enemy was halted, whereupon the Germans attacked down the whole line. iAs B Squadron of the 4th Dragoon Guards moved up they were followed by nerve-racking and accurate shrapnel fire. The exquisite little forest became a shambles. Trees were cut down and shorn through and through. Seeking cover, we were hounded out by what seemed to Photo] [Imperial War Museum Crown Copyright LE GHEER. be uncanny intelligence. Somebody was giving the enemy signals of our move ments every half-minute; of that there could be no doubt. The 18th Hussars had to retire. In the semi-gloom of the trees there appeared a machine-gun officer Houldsworth of the 18thcarrying on his shoulder the remains of his gun. He streamed with blood from wounds in head and shoulder. He passed us, giving us a cheery Good-morning," as calm as if in camp. Presently the order came to dismount. Horses were led away. We estab lished Headquarters in a small farmhouse and barn at the very edge of the wood; I was officer for the day. Between the barn and the house was a gap of some fifty paces. The shooting became very accurate. We were getting a bit windy. I must have passed across that space a dozen times that morning. It became a matter of swank to stroll across rather than go at the double. One young officer paused to light a cigarette as he loafed across. This was silly, but had a good


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1929 | | pagina 9