League Secretary5s Notes. THE YPRES TIMES Last Postat Ypres. 25 9, Baker Street, London, W.i. November 6th, 1929. Dear Sir, The Committee of the Ypres League desire me to write to you on the subject of the Sounding of the Last Post at the Menin Gate, thoughtfully initiated by the Ypres Town Authorities, in honour of the British dead and missing, and performed each year from July 1st to September 30th. Many letters of appreciation have been received by the Ypres League from relatives who have visited Ypres expressing the wish that this beautiful little ceremony could be continued throughout the year, and the Committee of the Ypres League sincerely hope that you can see your way to hold the ceremony during the winter months, or at least on every Saturday night. Monsieur Vandenbraambusche has urged all British visitors to Ypres to make a point of joining with the inhabitants in listening to the Last Post and we would suggest that a notice of the event be prominently placed in all the Ypres Hotels. The Committee wish to convey an expression of their best thanks to all those responsible in organizing this ceremony, and they feel sure you will be glad to hear how much it is appreciated by the British people. (Signed) W. P. Pulteney, Lieut.-General. Monsieur le Burgomaster, Hotel de Vili.e, Ypres. We are sure it will interest our members to know that a letter dated November 26th has been received from Ypres stating that arrangements have now been made by the Commissaire of Police to have the ceremony of the Last Post performed each night throughout the year. TO OUR NEW MEMBERS. A sincere welcome is extended to all who have joined the League during the past quarter, and we look forward to your future support particularly in recruiting new members. It is now ten years since the inauguration of the Ypres League, so we wish you to make special efforts in promoting our aims and objects. Remember that the League stands to com memorate the 250,000 officers and men who died in the Immortal Defence of Ypres, and that membership is open to all who served in the Salient and to all those whose relatives died there. A Scroll Certificate is given as a record of service. We shall always be pleased to send you literature for distribution among ex-service men with whom you come in contact, and it may be possible to spare a few back numbers of the Ypres Times from Headquarters which you can use for propaganda purposes. Many people are already members of other associations, and often, when they are approached with a view to becoming members of the League, they cannot see their way to afford an additional subscription, but surely the meaning of the word Ypres is a sufficient draw, because the Salient, more than any other battle-ground, represents in a peculiar degree the things to be commemorated, and the units who did not serve in the Ypres Salient must be few in number. There are therefore many whose duty it is to come and assist us in our work of commemoration, and we shall gladly welcome any new members you are kind enough to introduce. We conclude by offering you our best wishes for 1930. TO BRANCH SECRETARIES AND CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. We wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year, and please accept our grateful thanks for the good work you have given to the welfare of the League during 1929.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1930 | | pagina 27