47 8 a.m.A voice: You are wanted on the telephone, sir." Curse the voice, and the telephone. Go to the telephonetalk to the Brigade Major. 8.30 a.m.Fall asleep. 9 a.m.A voice: You are wanted on the telephone, sir." Curse the voice, and the telephone. Go to the telephonetalk to X Battery Com mander. Says he has orders to regis ter on ruined building, 90 yards from front of my trenches, at 3 p.m. Tell him that I shall evacuate my trenches and get back into the support trenches while he is registering, as most of his shells will probably fall into my front line. His reply shows that he has no sense of humour. 9.30 a.m.Fall asleep. 10.30 a.m.Wakeshavedamp my face (water has to come a mile)feel as if I had had a large and refreshing bath 11 a.m.Breakfast. 11.30 a.m.—Walk round trenches, and carefully examine ground in front and German trenches through periscope. 1 p.m.Write a letter or two, and read paper. 2 p.m.Arrange for reconnoitring party to-night to ruined building. 3 p.m.X Battery begins registering on ruined building. One of the shells falls just outside my parapet. Tele phone Battery Commander and tell him what I think of the shooting of his battery. Danger of wires fusing, so conversation broken off. 4 p.m.German battery begins registering on my trenches. One shell just inside my parapet. Begin to build up parapet, but find machine gun trained on breach, so leave it till dark, as no urgent necessity. Telephone Y Battery. They blow in portion of German parapet, and I order a machine gun to be trained on breach. 5 p.m.Walk around trenches, and visit trenches on my right and left. 6 p.m.Short evening hymn of hate no casualties. 6.30 p.m.Lunch, tea and dinner meal. 8 p.m.Duskstand-to-arms listening posts go out. 9 p.m. Darkstand-down night sentries posted. Reconnoitring party (one officer and two men) goes out to reconnoitre ruined building, and to ascertain whether it is occupied by the Germans by night. 9.45 p.m.Sound of rapid firing from reconnoitring party. I go out with six men and a stretcher party. Find reconnoitring party within 20 yards of ruined building exchanging fire with Germans inside. One of party killed, another wounded. Send stretcher party in with casualties, and keep up fire until stretchers inside trench. Then retire to trench. 'Fact established that ruined building is held by night in some strength. 12 Midnight.Listening post in front of trench 200 reports sounds of Germans working on their wire in front of their trenches. Draw in listening post, and open rapid fire in direction of German wire, with satisfactory results. June 29th. 12.30 a.m.Write a letter or two, and read paper. 1.30 a.m.Walk round trenches. Very still, dark night. Not a sound from German trenches. Sit on para pet and wonder whether the trout have been rising well this season at home. Flares go up intermittently along the German and our front, throwing No Man's Land into bold relief. Next invitation I receive to a firework dis play after the war will be refused! 2 a.m.Red rocket, followed by green star rocket, goes up from German trenches on the right. Report it by telephone to the artillery. 2.15 a.m.Stand-to-arms." 2.50 a.m.Dawn. 3.40 a.m.Daylight. I sit down to write report. Begins: "A quiet night 4 a.m.Heavy fog comes on Stand-to-arms again. 5 a.m.Still foggy. Listening post in front of 201 reports suspicious sounds. Draw in listening post, and sweep front with machine gun. 5.30 a.m. Fog lifts Stand down." 6 a.m.Turn into my dug out." 6.1 a.m.Fall asleep.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1930 | | pagina 17