YPRES: Outpost of the Channel Ports ALL VISITORS TO YPRES SHOULD POSSESS A COPY Map of Ypres Salient showing Battle Fronts and Trench Systems Map and List of Cemeteries in the Ypres Salient 56 THE YPRES TIMES and poignant, yet behind it all we can sometimes catch a glimpse of those in support, dim figures these, though none more valiant as we picture them praying amid their darkness, linked imperishably to their menfolk oversea. True, we are not told; but all who can read beneath bald print can see. Such books as this appear so seldom that we, and others, are too prone to forget that while vast battles wrack both man and nature, elsewhere a myriad hearts must endure the pangs of a vaster Gethsemane. They will not so easily forget this aspect of war who read these letters. They set one thinking of our stock, our path, of our standards and our heritage. To quote is not to review; still, Feilding's voice from the front line towards the end must surely waken many echoes: How strange it will be when the fighting stops. I am already beginning to look back upon the last 4} years as a sort of dream, in which there outstands a single tall figure in blackalways the last to have been seen by me when leaving for the war, and the first on coming home for leave. I will leave you to guess whose is that faithful, patient figure." Too seldom mourned, here lurks war's greatest tragedy: that being a crime, it is wrought, not by criminals, but by victims. So, since we, on the heels .of the Victorians, must be arraigned in our turn, may this book in our judges' eyes help plead our cause. Geoffrey Fildes, Late Coldstream Guards. By BEATRIX BRICE With a descriptive Foreword by F.-M. Viscount Plumer, G.C.B. Price 2s. 6d. Post Free 2s. lOd. The Ypres Salient has greatly changed since the War, and this new Guide cannot fail to help Visitors to Ypres who see it under its present conditions. Price 3s. Post Free, 3s. 2d. Price Is. Post Free, Is. 2d.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1930 | | pagina 26