Informal Gatherings ANNUAL MEETING LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1930 at 7.30 p.m. 6o THE YPRES TIMES as 120 members and friends were present. Some of the younger members felt rather in the shade as they watched their elders doing such energetic steps as the barn dance and polka, but it was not long before they joined in the fun. The music was provided by the Vernon Dance Players Band, and their playing was very much appreciated. The Committee expresses its grateful thanks for the support given to the dance and earnestly trusts that the same interest will continue in future. L. A. W. The Tottenham Group of Toe H were addressed by Major E. Montague Jones, O.B.E., Chairman London County Committee, on February 14th. His subject being The Ypres Salient, 1914-1918," illustrated with lantern slides. He spoke of the unforgettable and strenuous fighting which took place during those years and prefaced his lecture by saying that he was a member of the Ypres League and other ex-service organizations, and remarked on the good liaison existing between them for the welfare of ex-soldiers, their relatives, and dependents. The event was arranged by Mr. E. Glover, of Toe H_ and local representative of the Ypres League in Tottenham and District. E. G. The Lords and Commissioners of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, have given permission for a party of the Ypres League to visit the hospital on a Saturday during the summer (date to be arranged). Any member interested please forward name and address to Honorary Secre tary, London County Committee, 9, Baker Street, W.i. <s>< A I THE of the will be held at The George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 (Entrance opposite Law Courts) THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1930. THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1930. THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1930. from 7 to 10 p.m. We trust you will be present and that you will invite a friend to the above Gatherings. A hearty welcome awaits you'jand any friends you may wish to invite. Full particulars will be sent to any friend by the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, on being supplied with the name and address. Ladies cordially invited. THE of the will be held at The George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 on MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO ATTEND and the London County Committee will be glad to receive any suggestions to further the objects of the League in the London area. These should be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary, London [County Committee, 9, Baker Street, W.i, prior to the date of the above meeting.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1930 | | pagina 30