hotel Splendid Britannique YPRES 154 THE YPRES TIMES BACK NUMBERS OF THE YPRES TIMES." Will any member willing to part with copies of the January and April, 1930, numbers kindly post them to the Secretary, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, London, W.i, who will be very grateful. WREATHS. Arrangements are made by the Ypres League to place wreaths for relatives on the graves of British soldiers situated in France and Belgium at the following times of the year EASTER, ARMISTICE DAY, CHRISTMAS. The wreaths may be composed of natural flowers, laurel, or holly, and can be bought at the following prices12s. 6d., 15s. 6d., and 20s., according to the size and quality of the wreath. YPRES OUTPOST OF THE CHANNEL PORTS. (Price 2S. 6d. Post free, 2s. iod.) The Ypres Salient has greatly changed since the war, and this new Guide cannot fail to help Visitors to Ypres who see it under its present conditions. AH Visitors to Ypres should possess a copy. Map and List of Cemeteries in the Ypres Salient. Price is. Post free, is. 2d. INFORMAL GATHERINGS. The gatherings have been important activities during the past three months, and we feel extremely grateful for the kind interest taken by members in these reunions, all of which have proved immensely successful. We should be glad to see any members attending who have not yet been able to do so, and if they desire to bring friends, please notify name and address to the Hon. Secretary. We record our sincere thanks to all who have helped us during the past quarter, especially to Mr. Foster and his friends, also to Miss Ward and Mr. Steele, a faithful friend who attends on every occasion with the one desire to do what he can to help. The Informal Gatherings for the next three months will again be held at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.I, from 7 to 10 p.m. Mrs. Heap gives us a programme on January 1st, so GRAND' PLACE. Opposite Cloth Hall. Leading Hotel for Comfort and Quality. Completely Renovated. Running Water Bathrooms. Moderate Terms. Garage. Patronized by The Ypres League. we are assured of a jolly good evening. The February 5th programme is in the hands of Mr. E. P. Johnson, and looked forward to with great anticipation. It is hoped that on this occasion Major Montague Jones will address a few words. On March 5th the Committee will have much pleasure of a visit of representatives of the Royal Field Artillery Old Comrades Association, who are entertaining us, and we hope to see a number of their own members present. The Secretary thanks his kind friends who have undertaken to arrange these musical evenings, but it is felt that other members or their friends might do more in this respect. All those interested kindly communicate with the Secretary. In conclusion, the Committee wish all members a very happy New Year, and request three resolutions for 1931 Firstly, to bring a friend


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1931 | | pagina 32