Skindle's Hotel YPRES Branch at Poperinghe THE YPRES TIMES 155 to the gatherings, and endeavour to recruit that friend as a member secondly, to do all possible to promote the Junior Division and, lastly, to help forward the work of the League in the London area. It is hoped that through your efforts the membership will be appreciably strengthened. DANCE. An informal dance was held at the Veteran's Club on November 26th, 1930. In spite of the inclement weather, a large number of members and friends turned up and spent a very enjoy able evening. The music was provided by the Vernon Players Dance Band, and their rendering of the dance tunes was much appreciated. Another dance is to be arranged, notice of which will appear in due course in the columns of the Ypres Times. The fact that you do not dance must not deter you from taking part in this pleasurable pastime. PARTY TO YPRES. The London County Committee are arranging a trip to Ypres, under the auspices of the Ypres League, for members of the London area, during next August Bank Holiday period. This party will accompany the usual Ypres League Pilgrimage, and will proceed via Ostend, leaving Victoria on the Saturday morning, and arriving back in London on Tuesday night, or on Tues day morning, if so desired. The cost of the trip to include third-class rail, first-class boat with full board, and accommodation three nights, taxes and service£3 15s. iod. per head. A charabanc tour of the battlefields will be organized providing sufficient numbers embark on the tour, the price of which is approximately 100 francs per head and extra to above quotation. The Committee are prepared to meet the convenience of those wishing to join the party in accepting payment by instalments, should they so desire. In view of the heavy August bookings, it is essential that accommodation be reserved as soon as possible, so all those interested, and also those wishing to avail themselves of the instal ment system, kindly forward their names and addresses to the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, London, W.i. The London County Committee express their gratitude to Toe H for being so kind as to allow a representative of the London members to attend the Toe H Birthday Festival at St. Paul's Cathedral, and also on the following evening, at the Albert Hall. Talbot House bears pleasant memories to the majority of our London .members, who had pleasure to visit it during the war. SEVENTH ANNUAL CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY. The principal Junior Division activity of the year is the Christmas party, which we are privileged to hold again at the Westminster City School, 55, Palace Street, S.W.i (kindly lent by the governors of the school), on Satur day, January 10th. Members of the Junior Branch are admitted free of charge, and a limited number of friends wishing to attend will be charged 6d. each. Application for tickets should be made not later than January 8th, and we hope that parents will take this opportunity to enroll their children as members (subscription is. per annum). Tea commences at 4 p.m., followed by a ventriloquist entertainment. Last year a large number of children were present, and we expect an increased attendance this year. To some this event is the only treat enjoyed during the Christmas season, so we urge that all our members will again give their best support and make the party a success. Towards the end of the evening there will be a Christmas Tree, and we ask very earnestly for gifts of toys or donations, which will be grate fully received by the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, London, W.i. (Opposite the Station) Proprietor Life MemberYpres League (close to Talbot House)


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1931 | | pagina 33