The Ypres League (Incorporated). 9 Baker Street, Portman Square, W.l, OBJECTS OF THE LEAGUE. Telephone Welbeck 1446, Telegrams 1 Yprbsleag, Wesdo," London. Patron-in-Chief 1 H.M. THE KING; Pairons t H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. H.R.H, Princess Beatrice, President 1 Field-Marshal the Viscount Plumer of Messines, Vice-Presidents t F.-M. Viscount Allenby. General Sir Charles Harington, F.-M. Sir Claud Jacob. General Sir Philip Chbtwode. The Viscount Burnham. The Lord Wakefield of Hythe. The Countess of Albemarle. Major J. R. Ainsworth-Davis. •Captain C. Alliston. Libut.-Colonel Beckles Willson. •Mr. John Boughey. •Miss B. Brice-Miller. Colonel G. T. Brierley. Captain P. W. Burgess. •Brig.-General C. Cunliffe-Owen. Major H. Cardinal-Harford. Rev. P. B. Clayton. •Captain F. H. Davies. •The Earl of Ypres. Mrs. Charles J. Edwards. Major C. J. Edwards. Mr. H. A. T. Fairbank, Mr. T. Ross Furner. Sir Philip Gibbs. Mr. E. Glover. Major C. E. Goddard. General Committee t Major-General Sir John Headlam. Mr. F. D. Banks Hill. Mr. J. Hetherington. Mrs. E. Heap. Brigadier H. C. Jackson. Captain O. G. Johnson. •Major Montague Jones. •The Hon. Alice Douglas Pennant. •Lieut.-General Sir W. P. Pulteney. Lieut.-Colonel J. Murray. Sir H. Perry Robinson, Lieut.-General Sir Cecil Romer. Viscount Sandon. The Hon. Sir Arthur Stanley. Mr. Ernest Thompson. Captain G. Lockley Turner. •Lieut.-General Sir H. Uniacke. •Mr. E. B. Waggett. Captain J 1 Wilkinson. Capt. H. Trevor Williams. Executive Committee. Finance 1 Lieut.-General Sir W. P. Pulteney. Lieut.-General Sir Herbert Uniacke. Captain C. Alliston. Secretary ICaptain G. E. de Trafford. Auditors r srs. Lepine Jackson, 6, Bond Court, E.C.4. Honorary Solicitors 1 Messrs. Fladgate Co., 18, Pall Mall, S.W. Bankers 1 Barclays Bank, Ltd., Knightsbridge Branch. Trustees Lieut.-General Sir W. P. Pulteney. Mr. E. B. Waggett. Major E. Montague Jones. ^ague Representative at Ypres Captain P. D. Parminter, 19,^ Rue Surmont de Volsbergbe. League Representative at Amiens Captain Stuart Oswald, 7, Rue Porte-Paris. ICommkemoration and Comradeship. IIThe ai\ranging of special facilities for travel and transport of members. HIThe furnishing of information about the Salientmarking of historic sites and the colmpilation of charts of the battlefields. IV—The ereLtion of an outstanding memorial of the Defence, y.—The establishment of groups of members throughout the world, through Branch retaries and Corresponding Members. VI.The maintenance of cordial relations with dwellers on the battlefields of Ypres. VII.The fornjation of a Junior Division


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1931 | | pagina 39