Informal Gatherings A DANCE 1st City of London Regt. Royal Fusiliers (T.A.) Ï76 THE YPRES TIMES its notice board by the main entrance doorway should set the tone, as indeed it does, to those who read notices Follow round by the ever-open door on your right and sign on in the Visitors' book. Then make yourself at home. We haven't inscribed Welcome over the doorway, but we hope you will find it all the same, once you find your way about and get to know us. Moreover, since you won't find Out of Bounds written up anywhere, you may wander where you like at will." Then there is the Memorial Chapel, serving a purpose known to all men, but seldom better expressed, perhaps, than in the invitation For the furtherance of friendship, Divine and human." Here the Holy Communion is celebrated and daily services held throughout the week of morning and home-going prayers also. Such, in brief outline, is the way by which the Dunkerque War Memorial came into being and how, to-day, it aims to fulfil the high purpose of its foundersthe way of friendship with all-comers from the seven seas and elsewhere. The concluding words of Lord Athlone's speech at its inauguration set the seal upon the endeavour of those who now serve it actively Our part is concluded with to-day's ceremony. We have established this War Memorial and we leave it to the Missions to Seamen as trustees to carry on the trust with the same devotion to duty as that shown by those to whom the Memorial is dedicated." G. W. Evans, Padre. LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE These will be held at the George Hotel, 213, Strand, W.C.2 (Entrance opposite Law Courts) on THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1931. THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1931. THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1931. From 7 to 10 p.m. Your presence will be welcomed at the above meetings. Please not only come yourself, but bring a friend along. Rest well assured you will spend an enjoyable evening. Endeavour to promote still further the interest in the League. Satisfaction will be your reward and ours. Particulars will be sent to any friend on the name and address being supplied and, members are urged to help all they can in this direction. Ladies cordially invited. LONDON COUNTY COMMITTEE will be held at HEADQUARTERS, HANDEL ST., W.C.i (Nearest Tube station, Russell Square) on Thursday, 16th April, 1931 at 7.30 p.m. TICKETS Is. 6d. EACH Vernon Dance Players Band will be in attendance. The Committee look again for your attendance in order that we may have a very enjoyable and successful evening. Tickets can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, London County Committee, Ypres League, 9, Baker Street, Portman Square, W.i.


The Ypres Times (1921-1936) | 1931 | | pagina 20