Children^ Christmas Party
January 5 1931
There were sounds of revelry by
night," and a stranger in the vicinity of
the Westminster City Schools on the
evening of Saturday, January ioth last,
would have wondered what the noise was
all about. Inquiries, however, would
have elicited the fact that the Junior
Branch of the Ypres League was holding
its Annual Christmas Party, and if the
stranger had only peeped inside the
building he would have beheld a gay
scene. On the platform, in front of a
huge Christmas tree, were assembled the
Enfield College of Music Children's
Orchestra (under the direction of Mrs.
Doris Lee-Peabody), looking particularly
smart in their red blazers, whilst sitting
at the tables in the hall were some 200
children, whose happy faces showed how
they were appreciating all the good
things provided for them by the gen
erosity of the members of the Senior
Branch and their friends.
After tea the hall was cleared, and then
a Conjuror gave a performance, and
judging by the applause, was greatly to
the liking of the children. Major
Montague Jones, O.B.E. (Chairman of
the London Committee) was called in as
Conjuror's Assistant, and caused great
amusement to his fellow members of the
Committee by his evident enjoyment and
bewilderment at the funny things which
were produced from his pockets. After
this part of the entertainment was over,
two small members of the audience
amused the childrenMiss Brownie
Peabody telling how she put Daddy
to sleep," and Master John Singer sang
some laughable songs. Both of these
items were received with loud applause,
and the children appeared to be more
than pleased that they should take a
part in their own entertainment. We
were glad to see our old friend Mr.
Steele giving one of his much-enjoyed
recitations, and of which we older
members never tire.
During a short interval Major
Montague Jones said how happy he,
and his fellow members of the Committee,
were to meet the children once again,
and to see how thoroughly they were
enjoying themselves. He welcomed the
members of the Enfield College of Music
Juvenile Orchestral Society, and ex
pressed great appreciation at the splendid
music they had played. He then had
pleasure in asking Mrs. Peabody to come
forward for the purpose of receiving a
small gift in thanks for her hard work and
kindness in providing such a real treat.
Mr. J. C. Dent, M.A., Headmaster of
the Westminster City School, said how
pleased he was to help the League by
the loan of the hall for that function,
and he hoped, in future years, to have
the pleasure of welcoming them all again.
Then the fun began. Real Christmas
games, organized by Mrs. Peabody, who
soon had all and sundry running about
at her behest. After which the event of
the evening took place. Father Christ
mas arrivedwhat cheers greeted his
appearance, loud and long they rang out,
and it was sometime before he could
carry on his work of distributing the toys
from off the Christmas tree. Every
child received something, whilst a pleas
ing feature was the fact that toys had
been provided for a number of children
who were absent owing to illness, and
these were taken to the sick patients by
kind friends. A joyous evening came to
an end with the audience gathering in a
large circle and singing Auld Lang
Syne," followed by the National Anthem.
As the children left the hall further
goodies were provided.
A debt of gratitude is due to all who
helped to make the party such a success
to the Senior members of the League who